Citing Sources Forest Lake Elementary School Library
Why Do I Have To? When you gather your information from a source, you must give credit to that source. If you take someone else’s research and don’t give them credit, it’s as if you stole their ideas. This is called plagiarism and is against the law.
How Do I Do It? You must include a sources section of your work. Sources Used: “Jordan, Michael.” World Book Encyclopedia “Jordan, Michael.” World Book Kids Forest Lake Elementary Library; Wantagh, NY. 10 Jan
Citing an Encyclopedia Article “Jordan, Michael.” World Book Encyclopedia Name of the article in quotes Name of the encyclopedia underlined Year the encyclopedia was published
Citing a Database Article “Jordan, Michael.” World Book Kids Forest Lake Elementary Library; Wantagh, NY. 10 Jan Name of the article in quotes Name of the database underlined Year Published Name of the library that gave you the database access and the city and state it’s in Web Address Date you read the article, day first, then month and year