HOW TO WRITE A BIBLIOGRAPHY Using the Harvard Method
What is a bibliography? A bibliography is a list of all resources used when writing an essay, assignment, report or project. It indicates where information has been obtained. The Harvard System is widely used when compiling bibliographies. It is also known as the Author-Date system.
How is a bibliography arranged? In alphabetical order, according to the author's last name. If an author cannot be found, then the title comes first in the entry. A bibliography is put at the end of the assignment, essay or project. It should be given a page to itself. Do not number entries. Leave a line between each entry. It is important that correct punctuation is used.
Example Bibliography Allan, R. and Greenwood, T. Year 12 Biology 1999, Biozone, Gold Coast. Horey, J. 2001, "Broadband blues". Australian Personal computer, Feb. p 44 Netstudy. 1997, Dell, New York. Pledger, P. 1998, Homework Helper, Pledger Consulting, Adelaide. Smith, M. K. 1997, "Referencing the Informal Education Homepage". [On-line] 12 June
Books Use the following: Author’s last name, and initials. Year of publication, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication. Example: Pledger, P. 1998, Homework Helper, Pledger Consulting, Adelaide.
Books with two or more authors Authors' last name, and initials. Year of publication, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication. Example: Allan, R. and Greenwood T. 1999, Year 12 Biology 1999, Biozone, Gold Coast.
If the book has no author Title of book, Year of publication, Publisher, Place of publication Example: Netstudy, 1997, Dell, New York.
Encyclopaedias Use the following: "Article title". Year of publication, Title of encyclopaedia. Volume number, Publisher, Place of publication, page numbers. Example: "Railway". 1993, World Book Encyclopedia, vol 16, World Book, London, p Example for Internet version: “Railway”. 1993, World Book Online, 12 June,
Magazine articles Use the following: Author's last name, initial. Year of publication. "Title of the article". Title of the magazine or newspaper, volume/issue number or date, page number/s. Example: Horey, J. 2001, "Broadband blues". Australian Personal computer, Feb. p 44.
Newspaper articles Use the following: Author's last name, initial. Year of publication. "Title of the article". Title of the magazine or newspaper, volume/issue number or date, page number/s. Example: Oakley, V. 2001, "Return journey to a town of despair", Advertiser, 3 Feb, p 5.
Internet Author's name, initial. Date. "Title of the item". [On-line] Date accessed. Example: Smith, M. K. 1997, "Referencing the Informal Education Homepage". [On-line] 12 June
Author of the message. Date of the message. "Subject line of the message". [Online] from Example: Taylor, Barry. (2 June, 1998) "Hubble Space Telescope image enhancement techniques". [Online] e- mail: from
Non print resources – Videos/DVDs Title, Year of publication or transmission, Publisher or Distributor or Channel, Place of publication. (Description) Example Catering skills, 1994, Video Education Australasia. Bendigo (DVD)
Non print resources - Television program Title, Year of publication or transmission, Publisher or Distributor or Channel, Place of publication. (Description) Example Civil War, 2001, Channel 2. 2 February. (Television Program)
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