Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 4 Week 2 Daily Fix-Its Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 4 Week 2
1. Handicapped children need a outtlet for their energy too. 2. Perry has cerebral palsy and they has difficulty walking and talking.
1. Handicapped children need a outtlet for their energy too. 2. Perry has cerebral palsy and they has difficulty walking and talking.
1. Handicapped children need an outlet for their energy too. 2. Perry has cerebral palsy, and he has difficulty walking and talking.
3. Beryl has CP. Can her swim. 4. She loves swimming it are fun to splash and kick in the water.
3. Beryl has CP. Can her swim. 4. She loves swimming it are fun to splash and kick in the water.
3. Beryl has CP. Can she swim? 4. She loves swimming. It is fun to splash and kick in the water.
5. Eric and Sally helps their sister. She help her stretch and exercise. 6. Dont ovorlook the handicapped. They have a great deal to offer.
5. Eric and Sally helps their sister. She help her stretch and exercise. 6. Dont ovorlook the handicapped. They have a great deal to offer.
5. Eric and Sally help their sister. They help her stretch and exercise. 6. Don’t overlook the handicapped. They have a great deal to offer.
7. The girls exercise after school, and them get a snack at the supermarkit. 8. On friday after practice the coach buys they ice cream.
7. The girls exercise after school, and them get a snack at the supermarkit. 8. On friday after practice the coach buys they ice cream.
7. The girls exercise after school, and they get a snack at the supermarket. 8. On Friday after practice the coach buys them ice cream.
9. Can your ride the sub-way in a wheelchair? 10. Marias operation lasted four ours.
9. Can your ride the sub-way in a wheelchair? 10. Marias operation lasted four ours.
9. Can you ride the subway in a wheelchair? 10. Maria’s operation lasted four hours.