Russia: “The Red Scarf” By: Kate Furnivall Project By: Paige Twyne Gaspari English 10 9 January 2012
State Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace-Est One of the most famous art museums in the world. Located in Saint Petersburg and is housed in the Winter Palace. Holds over 2.7 million exhibits and some of the worlds most famous art pieces. The Moscow Kremlin-Est The head building, Stalin and his family lived here once. Equivalent to Americas White house. The Kremlin means “Government Building”. There are 18 towers and four cathedrals. Saint Basil’s Cathedral-Est Ivan the Terrible had the Cathedral built in remembrance of himself and how he defeated the Tartan Mongols.
Russia's Culture People settled here from North and from surrounding countries, was a land know to have many barbarians. Speak Russian and Ukraine Ballet and classical music can be traced back to Russia Great writers from here are Anton Chekhov, Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, and Fyodor Dostoevsky Know as The Soviet Union until the communist government was over thrown in 1992, now a democracy and known as Russia Matryoshka dolls originated from Russia and it’s a tradition to have a set in your house. They have the same holidays as America; Christmas, Independence day (different date), Easter, etc. While celebrating these holidays, they cook large meals and dance all night then sleep the entire day after.
Fun Facts! Largest Country in the World and covers 9 time zones Russia was the world’s first constitutionally socialist state, as the Soviet Union (USSR). Moscow is home to 11 million people and is Europe’s largest city The performances “The Nutcracker” and “Swan Lake” were written here First satellite in space and first man in space A car crash happens every minute in Moscow alone!
What cultural differences are there between you and the main character in this book? Family is always put first in Sophia’s society. The Soviet Union had a communist government; so everybody was equal in everyway. Sophia and her family call their Santa “Frost King” and receive gifts in their shoes. Sophia’s town works a lot harder than an average American town. Sophia has little rights as a women but is still independent Sophia’s main language is Russian and Ukraine Every store in Tivil and the rest of Russia is closed on Sunday Sophia and Anna wear colorful but covering clothes because the climate is very cold
What Fascinates you about the culture in this book? The most fascinating thing to me in “The Red Scarf” is how many gypsies there are and how they’re accepted into the town of Tivil as protectors because they would use their “magic” to keep evil spirits out. I also love how hard the people work together to keep their town from starvation and disease. I really would like to try on a traditional Russian dress one day because they are very colorful and cute. I also love that wearing hats was very popular during this time of the Soviet Union and still is a trend.
What is the main conflict in this book? Is it internal or external? How does the culture affect? The main conflict in “The Red Scarf” is that Sophia’s friend Anna is dying in a labor camp located in Saint Petersburg. This conflict is external because It is between two characters and there is no inner struggle. The culture affects the conflict because if women had more rights the Anna wouldn’t be in the labor camp in the first place. Also Anna was put into the labor camp because her father was a rich doctor and the Soviets didn’t think it was fair that he was richer than everyone else so they executed him. Russian culture teaches women to be strong and independent. Without this, Sophia would have no chance of saving her beloved friend.
If you were the main character how would you handle the conflict? If I were Sophia in the book and I had to save my friend from a labor camp, I would be really scared. Sophia was so brave and smart; she always knew what to do if she got in a tight situation. If it had been me, I would’ve tried to find Vasily faster. It took Sophia about a year to win over his trust and she had the wrong man for most of her time in Tivil. Also I wouldn’t have been as brave and hard headed as she was. When she hit the soldier and when she was running away from the camp, I was holding my breath.
Alternate Ending If I could change the ending, I would first make Mikhail kill all of the guards at the labor camp so that all the women would be free. I’m glad they got Anna out though. Also I was really sad when Rafik was shot. I would have made it so Rafik wasn’t arrested and Sophia and him would be the protectors; not just Sophia by herself. I loved at the end how Anna and Vasily got married and she was pregnant with a son. I also love that Sophia and Mikhail got married too because they were really in love.
Works Cited "Hermitage Museum." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Jan "Moscow Kremlin." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Jan "St. Basil's Cathederal, Moscow, Russia." Moscow Hotels, Russia - Offers Discount Hotel Accommodation in Moscow. Web. 10 Jan Furnivall, Kate. The Red Scarf. New York: Berkley, Print. "Russia." U.S. Department of State. Web. 12 Jan "Russia." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 12 Jan