Geographic Reference Sources Instructional Activity Christy Batelka SLM Christy Batelka SLM
Information: Our Media Center has a vast number of geographic reference sources available for you to use on a daily basis. In order to create an Information sheet for your class that includes helpful and accurate facts about traveling to England, you’ll need to know where to look to access such details as the current weather, the time change, the popular tourist attractions, maps, the currency, local customs, etc. Your first task will be to review a sampling of various geography resources we have in print and online.
CultureGrams Online Database offers reliable, up-to-date country reports on over 180 world cultures provides information about the landforms, climate, daily life, history, customs, etc., of each cultural group access at username = howardcps password = howardcps offers reliable, up-to-date country reports on over 180 world cultures provides information about the landforms, climate, daily life, history, customs, etc., of each cultural group access at username = howardcps password = howardcps NOTE: We also have a print version of CultureGrams in the Media Center (R909.82CU), although it is not as current as the online version.
CIA World Factbook: Online Database offers extremely thorough, reliable, up-to-date reports on various regions and countries around the world country profiles include detailed information about the geography, government, people, economy, transportation, and military access at world-factbook/index.html world-factbook/index.html (no log-in required) offers extremely thorough, reliable, up-to-date reports on various regions and countries around the world country profiles include detailed information about the geography, government, people, economy, transportation, and military access at world-factbook/index.html world-factbook/index.html (no log-in required)
2007 World Book Encyclopedia & Atlas we have the print and online versions of this encyclopedia series to enable you to find current information and images about a variety of subjects, including geographic locations around the world access the online encyclopedia at username = howco password = worldbook the 2007 atlas is one of our most recent atlases, and although it may not be especially helpful for this particular project, please check out the colorful, 3-D satellite and aerial maps and photographs of England we have the print and online versions of this encyclopedia series to enable you to find current information and images about a variety of subjects, including geographic locations around the world access the online encyclopedia at username = howco password = worldbook the 2007 atlas is one of our most recent atlases, and although it may not be especially helpful for this particular project, please check out the colorful, 3-D satellite and aerial maps and photographs of England
Online Time Zone, Weather & Climate Resources World Time - allows users to select countries or regions around the world so as to view the current local time, sunrise and sunset forecasts, atlases, etc. World Climate - offers information about the weather conditions, temperature, rainfall, etc., in various cities around the world University of Michigan Weather Net - allows users to enter a city, state, or zip code to access current and forecasted weather conditions in a given area. It also has a “trip planner” feature that allows users to view weather reports for the past several years during the time of their travel, so as to better plan for a trip to that particular area World Time - allows users to select countries or regions around the world so as to view the current local time, sunrise and sunset forecasts, atlases, etc. World Climate - offers information about the weather conditions, temperature, rainfall, etc., in various cities around the world University of Michigan Weather Net - allows users to enter a city, state, or zip code to access current and forecasted weather conditions in a given area. It also has a “trip planner” feature that allows users to view weather reports for the past several years during the time of their travel, so as to better plan for a trip to that particular area
Lands and Peoples Print Series (Grolier Educational, 2001) Volume 3 in this print reference series (R910LA) will give you the information you need to discuss tourist attractions, culture, and historical information about England
Your Final Task: Use the geographic reference sources you’ve just reviewed to create a travel information sheet for your peers. Use the template on the next page to gather your information.
Our Class Trip to London, England: Information You’ll Want to Know Brief History of England: Type of Government: Current Leader: Customs & Courtesies of the English People: Popular English Foods: Language Spoken: Currency Used: Current Map of London (copy & paste): Most Common Means of Transportation for Tourists: Current Weather in London, England: Time Difference from Ellicott City, MD: Popular Tourist Attractions in London: Other Interesting Information:
Evaluation When you’ve finished your travel information sheet, please turn it in to your media specialist. Print out and complete the activity evaluation on the next slide.
Geographic Reference Sources: Student Evaluation Your Name_______________________ Grade________ 1.What kinds of information can you find in geographic reference sources like CultureGrams, the World Book Atlas, and the Lands and Peoples series? 2.What piece of information was the easiest for you to locate about England? Why? 3.What piece of information was the hardest for you to find about London, England? Why? 4.Which kinds of reference sources did you prefer--print or online? Why? 5.How did you find most of the geographic reference sources to be organized? 6.Name one specific skill you have learned as a result of this activity.