By: Haley Von Ehwegen
Geography Fifth largest country in the world. Economic leader of South America Large iron and aluminum ore reserve. Ninth largest economy in the world.
Physical Geography The basin receives more than eighty inches of rain a year. Most of Brazil is humid with tropical or subtropical climate. Rainy season occurs during the summer months. Eastern Brazil has regular drought. There is little volcanic activity in Brazil.
Political Geography Brazil is divided into 26 states and a federal district. Brazil has two of the worlds largest cities.
Citizenship The birth rate has greatly decreased over the last 20 years, from 4.4 children to 2.1 children. The annual growth rate has also decreased. 80 percent of the people live within 200 miles from the Atlantic coast. Only about 7 percent live in northwestern and north-central Brazil.
Economics Known as the worlds largest “coffeepot” Bananas, cattle, corn, cotton, horses, lemons, oranges, pineapple, rice, sheep, soybeans, sugarcane and tobacco. Nuts and timber come from its forests. Power plants on its rivers generate a great amount of energy. Produces large quantities of iron ore, manganese and other minerals needed by industry. Brazil is rich in minerals: quartz crystals, chrome, diamonds, gold and graphite.
Economics.. Several political parties. Liberal Worker’s Party National Reconstructive Party Largest parties Moderate Brazilian Democratic Movement Party Moderate Social Democratic Party
Cultural Diversity Three main ethnic groups Whites- about 60 percent Blacks- 7 percent Mixed ancestry- about 30 percent Asians about 3 percent Indians less than 1 percent Immigrants from more than 30 nations Italians Portuguese Spaniards Japanese Germans People from the middle east
Conflict Brazil suffered a major economic slump during the Great Depression of the 1930’s The dictator created a new constitution. He censored the press, banned political parties, and took over labor unions. World War II brought another great surge in demand for Brazilian industrial goods.
Global Interaction Rich mineral sources have helped make Brazil a fast growing economy. Few people live in luxury. Rapid industrial growth during the mid-1900’s helped Brazil become one of the worlds top manufacturing nations. Has many agriculture exports
Works cited World Book, Inc The World Book Encyclopedia (pg ) world-factbook/geos/br.html world-factbook/geos/br.html sofinterest/a/geographyofbraz.htm# sofinterest/a/geographyofbraz.htm#