F. Gianotti, AFP kick-off meeting, 20/9/2012 Recommendations for the next steps Reports from the: Technical Review A.Henriques Physics Review R.Hawkings will follow On behalf of ATLAS Management and Upgrade Coordinator Congratulations to the AFP community on the huge amount of work and efforts invested in this review
F. Gianotti, AFP kick-off meeting, 20/9/2012 The physics case requires consolidation, following also suggestions from the theorist referees see R. Hawkings’ report Significant technical issues remain (e.g. HBP design, complete design of timing detector, trigger, and readout). Although these issues can be addressed, timely development and demonstration of solutions is needed. The LVL1 trigger capability has to be demonstrated (e.g. in terms of rate) for the physics cases requiring it. More work is needed, in particular with full detector simulations, to assess the impact of pile-up and of machine backgrounds (beam halo, showers from collimators, etc.) in a more realistic way The community has to grow and demonstrate it has the strength to build and operate the detector, and develop the needed software and data preparation infrastructure. Interest around AFP physics has to grow from within and outside ATLAS, so as to allow a full exploitation of the physics capabilities of the detector. The financial frame is not clear (several FA have declined to fund) Findings For these reasons, we believe it is premature to go for CB approval now; it would also be very risky as a rejection may have irreversible consequences
F. Gianotti, AFP kick-off meeting, 20/9/2012 Recommendations for the next step Addressing all the issues identified by the review will require more time. For this reason, the project should develop a realistic plan targeting a later installation than currently planned. Key elements of the plan should include the following
F. Gianotti, AFP kick-off meeting, 20/9/2012 The project should choose as a baseline a pile-up of μ~50 (and include uncertainties) Continue to work on HBP and interface to the machine in order to pass the LHC review Continue to work on detector and HBP R&D and construction with the goal of installing a detector slice on a test-beam in early 2014: this will serve as final qualification, demonstration of the project feasibility and engineering run. It will be the basis for the TDR preparation; it will also speed up the final detector commissioning in situ. In 2014 install enough infrastructure at 210 m to allow insertion of the detectors during the Christmas shut-down and engineering tests on the beam. Target the final physics review in the second half of 2013 (organization of an AFP Physics WS involving also phenomenologists in early 2013 would be a very good initiative) Target the final technical review for CB approval in the first half of 2014 Target CB approval on Summer 2014, with TDR release in the second half of 2014 In order to be able to address the above recommendations, reorganize the AFP project in a more robust way (e.g. appointing a Technical Coordinator, separating the Project Leader and Physics Coordination roles, including trigger, etc.) We are glad to discuss in the coming weeks a set of intermediate milestones from the AFP community to address the issues raised by the review