D. McMahon Generation of Ground ODFs ESA ODF-CB 3-5 March 2004 Gerd Soellner (DLR/Col-CC) Co-author Nathalie Gérard
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Introduction / Definition of Terms Terms as used in this presentation : Columbus Flight ODFs = ODF procedures performed by the crew onboard ISS Columbus Ground ODFs = ODF procedures performed by the Col-CC FCT during Operations, including: - “Ground only ODFs” (residing in ODF Ground Book) - ground versions of “Flight ODFs” (residing in other ODF Books -TBD) Note: A Flight ODF and the associated ground relevant parts are expected to appear in the same procedure, the display tool should be able to filter the needed parts. Some procedures may not need a different view for ground (e.g. PWS plug-in procedure).
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Flight ODF Content Flight ODF procedures are performed by the crew using the PWS and PCS displays for commanding and measurements. As a consequence, the procedures (and the crew) refer to these displays and to the ops nomenclature of the measurements and commands on the PCS and PWS Displays. Remark: PCS and PWS commands are instantiated commands. These commands are not defined as such in the MDB, only indirectly in in the flight display definition. Format Flight ODFs have to be compliant with ODF Standard: checklist, logic flow or powerbus loss formats Flight ODFs have to be readable by onboard software Current Software: MPV => read PDF files. Future Software (with the NGL): iPV => read XML / html files Generation Tool Currently, Flight ODFs are authored using Word templates In the future, Flight ODFs will be authored as XML Files using PAT
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Ground ODF Content Ground ODF procedures are performed by the Col-CC FCT using the MCS for telecommanding and monitoring telemetry. As a consequence, the procedures (and the Col-CC flight contollers) refer to MCS Displays and to MDB end items for telecommands and telemetry, or to the MCS Event Manager Remark: the commands from the MDB are currently not instantiated. Information about the execution node, command type and command parameters are needed for handling commands with MCS In comparison with Flight ODFs, ground ODFs contain additional steps/information (e.g. packet swapping, subsystem identifier, ground related information, etc…); the same level of detail is required for ground-only ODFs Format Col-CC Ground ODFs should follow the ODF Standard Unique Standards can be applied to Ground ODFs No constraint on the file type. Generation Tool Possibilities: Word, PAT, Excel…
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Problem Identification 1 st Issue: Content of the Ground ODFs –Flight ODFs in their original form can not be used for operations at Col- CC (see slides 2/3/7 for justification), using MCS command tool –A conversion from Flight ODFs to ground versions of Flight ODFs is necessary –ESA considered this conversion as a critical step –A proposal for the conversion is given in slide 10 2 nd Issue: Format of the Ground ODFs –Flight ODF Format/Standard is not sufficient for ground ODFs. –Unique Standard/Format needs to be defined for ground ODFs (for instance for command parameters) –This standard for ground ODFs shall be as close as possible to the defined ODF Standard and needs to be approved by the ODF-CB –A proposal for this format is given in the next slides (page 6/7)
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March ODF Example (1)
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March ODF Example (2)
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Flight ODFs vs Ground ODFs (“content wise”) Why Flight ODFs can not be used for operations at Col-CC as such:
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Flight ODFs vs Ground ODFs (“content wise”) “Conversion from original Flight ODFs into ground versions of Flight ODFs”: 1 st Step: All steps contained in the Flight ODFs have to be available in the ground versions of the Flight ODFs: a.The steps numbers and titles can be taken as they are b.The Notes / Warnings / Cautions can be taken as they are c.For the command and measurement, a conversion is needed (conversion from the PWS or PCS ops nomenclature into the opsname in the MDB) 2 nd Step: The Flight ODF needs to be enhanced with additional steps (e.g. packet swapping) and additional information (e.g. ground related information, MCS information…)
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Flight ODFs vs Ground ODFs (“content wise”) Point c) of step 1 of the conversion (see previous slide) is considered as a critical step, because the required information is not part of the Flight ODF. A correlation information needs to be added between the ops nomenclature given to commands and measurements in the PWS and PCS displays and the MDB end items. The required conversion information has to be made available to the integrated EADS/DLR Ops team by EADS Engineering Support. Remark: The correlation information can not be accessed at Col-CC with MCS. But a way has been proposed by EADS to - extract the display contents wrt. telecommand/measurement ops name - use the command information to automatically create fully instantiated commands in the MDB (implementation TBD)
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Flight ODFs vs Ground ODFs (“content wise”) Proposed Solution: The correlation between PWS nomenclature and MDB opsnames needs to be delivered/provided by EADS Engineering Support For instantiated commands from PWS/PCS Displays: Either new end items shall be defined in the MDB for these instantiated commands Or the correlation information provided by EADS should contain all command details necessary to handle the command in MCS Based on this correlation information and on the Flight ODFs, the integrated EADS/DLR Ops team will generate ODF prodedures (including flight and ground parts) The critical conversion task should be respected if the EADS Engineering Support approves and validates the procedures and the related (partly) instantiated commands
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Ground-only ODFs Handling of Ground-only ODFs : All ground-only ODF procedures interact with the onboard system and reflect tasks that are not performed by crew, but only from Col-CC. No conversion is needed, but good knowledge of onboard systems Not all commands can be fully instantiated. The extension of MCS/MDB to handle partly instantiated commands in MCS/MDB is appreciated for safer operations. EADS Engineering Support has to approve the procedures and the related (partly) instantiated commands
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Flight ODFs Generation (1) Current Situation for ODF deliveries and responsibilites (ODF Management plan): EADS-ST is responsible for the generation of Flight ODF Col-CC is responsible for the generation of Ground ODF Issue: The Ground and Flight ODF are closely interrelated and are expected to appear in one procedure Ground only ODFs have also Flight related contents and have to be approved by EADS Ground versions of Flight ODF have to be approved by EADS wrt. TM/TC info Proposed Solution: Work Flight and Ground ODFs in an integrated EADS/DLR Ops team EADS-ST Engineering Support has to approve the procedures EADS-ST Engineering Support has to deliver all ODFs to the ODF-CB (ground and flight ODFs)
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Flight ODFs Generation (2) Current Situation for ODF Schedule: ODF Management Plan foresees Preliminary ODF Publication at L-12 months Col-CC needs ODF procedures for simulations at L-27 months (July 2004) Issue: The ODF Schedule does not meet Ops prep needs: Initial procedures need to be available from Mai 04 timeframe for usage in MCS/TQVS environment The generation of ODF in final format is time consuming For final format, PAT changes need to be available Proposed Solution: Approve ODF procedures in preliminary formats for simulations and tests (example see next page). Preliminary ODFs are procedures with “final” content in preliminary format. Approve ODF procedures in final format for operations following the ODF schedule Apply a equivalent approval process to both versions
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Example preliminary Format
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Conclusion (1) 1. Expected Decisions from ESA ODF-CB Content of Ground ODFs: –A decision needs to be taken on the proposed solution for the generation and conversion of ground ODFs Format of Ground ODFs: –A decision needs to be taken on the proposed ODF format –The format changes have to be brought to the ODF CB for approval ODFs generation and validation process: –Flight and Ground ODFs are being prepared by the integrated EADS/DLR ops team, ESA has the overall responsibility. The ODF Management plan has to be updated –A delivery schedule for ODF has to be defined, allowing preliminary formats that are approved for Ops prep.
D. McMahon Gerd Soellner - DLR/Col-CC – 3-5 March Conclusion (2) 2. Open issues: ODF Validation process: - The definition of the overall ODF validation process needs to be harmonized - This includes approval responsibilities and the detailed validation steps Other procedure formats: - The proposed ODF format applies for the checklist format - It does not reflect logic flow or powerbus loss formats Command instantiation: - U sage of instantiated and partly instanciated commands - Adaptations of MCS/MDB for handling of these commands