1 Capacity Building: Strategy and Action Plan GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity Building: Strategy and Action Plan GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

2 Strategy for Capacity Building u Shared principles for effective capacity building u Elements of the strategy GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

3 Shared Principles for Effective Capacity Building  Ensure national ownership and leadership  Take a holistic approach  Co-ordinate efforts  Focus on process as well as product  Accommodate the dynamic nature  Combine programmatic & project based approaches  Base capacity building on needs assessments  Promote regional centers and networks of excellence (local ownership and capacity) GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

4 Elements of a Strategy for Capacity Building u Agreement and endorsement among partners (countries, donors) on shared principles as basis for action u Empowerment of countries to take ownership and leadership of the implementation of a strategic approach to capacity building u GEF contribution: ensure that the Action Plan adheres to these elements GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

5 Proposed Framework for GEF Action Plan on Capacity Building u Adherence to the common principles u Messages from countries/regional assessments u Feedback on current GEF operations & experience GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

6 cont’d Proposed Framework for GEF Action Plan Two parts to the GEF action plan A.Pathways for GEF country support B.Support Mechanisms GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

7 cont’d Proposed Framework for GEF Action Plan Some questions for reflection and feedback  What does each pathway represent?  How can countries access GEF support for each of these pathways?  How will the support mechanism help countries to ensure effective capacity building? GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

8 cont’d Proposed Framework for GEF Action Plan A.Pathways for GEF support A1Country CB Program “NEW” A2.Targeted CB Projects NEW A3. Regular Projects - Modified A4.Programmatic Approach NEW GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

9 A1. Country Capacity Building Program NEW WHAT WILL THIS PATHWAY SUPPORT?  Self Needs Assessment: start-up  Country Capacity Building Fund Particularly tailored to LDCs & SIDs GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

10 cont’d A1. Country Capacity Building Program NEW WHAT WILL THIS PATHWAY SUPPORT? Self needs assessment  identify country-driven needs and priorities  guided by menu of activities from Convention priorities  UNFCC - framework decision on CB  CBD - compilation of guidance on CB  CCD - compilation of guidance on CB GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

11 cont’d A1. Country Capacity Building Program NEW HOW WILL THE FUNDS BE DELIVERED?  Self needs assessment:  country driven: letter from focal point  scope for self-assessment of capacity needs and priorities  indication of level of resources, timing, and consultative process to be applied SUBMIT REQUEST EXPEDITED APPROVAL GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

12 cont’d A1. Country Capacity Building Program NEW WHAT WILL THIS PATHWAY SUPPORT? Country CB fund  hub and process for taking stock of and monitoring capacity developed over time  key actions (e.g. critical enabling needs) which need to be supported through this pathway based on self needs assessment and convention priorities funds GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

13 cont’d A1. Country Capacity Building Program NEW HOW WILL THE FUNDS BE DELIVERED? u Country CB Fund  Establish operating structure  select best decentralized “model” (e.g. GEF’s Small Grant Model; other suggestions?)  ensure representation of “all stakeholders”  Request funds for the Country CB Program  funds topped up on the basis of minimum reporting SUBMIT REQUEST EXPEDITED APPROVAL GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

14 cont’d A1. Country Capacity Building Program NEW WHAT IS FUNDING LEVEL? Criteria will be defined, such as  focal area(s)  starting point in countries GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

15 A2. Targeted Capacity Building Projects NEW WHAT WILL THIS PATHWAY SUPPORT? Targeted capacity building projects which indicate clearly how the capacity built (individual, institutional, and/or systemic) will assist countries to deliver on the objectives of the convention and the Operational Programs. GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

16 cont’d A2. Targeted Capacity Building Projects NEW HOW WILL THE FUNDS BE DELIVERED? u as per current project cycle and approval procedures WHAT IS THE FUNDING LEVEL? u guided by scope and scale of project u leveraging, partnership (and incremental reasoning) guided by the scope GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

17 cont’d A2. Targeted Capacity Building Projects NEW Example 1: Country X - request for support for transfer of environmentally sound technology (CC)  capacity to assess policy, legal and environmental considerations for application of new technologies  capacity to assess feasibility of new technology  capacity (individual, institutional) for installing and operating technology over the medium to long term  institutional support for scaling up of technology application The GEF will support the cost of these types of activities. GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

18 cont’d A2. Targeted Capacity Building Projects NEW Example 2: Country Y - request for support to include environmental issues into educational curriculum (e.g. for schools)  analysis of systemic issues  installing specific measures  need to compile material  need to train teachers etc. GEF will support this in partnership with others to ensure that global environmental issues are addressed. GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

19 cont’d A2. Targeted Capacity Building Projects NEW Some biodiversity examples: u taxonomy u alien species Some land degradation examples u integrating land degradation concerns into policies, laws and programs u cataloguing degraded areas GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

20 A3. Regular Projects Modified WHAT WILL THIS PATHWAY SUPPORT? Projects to meet the objectives of the Operational programs, but with more explicit and elevated considerations to building capacity through projects. GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

21 cont’d A3. Regular Projects Modified HOW WILL THE FUNDS BE DELIVERED? u as per current project cycle and approval procedures WHAT IS THE FUNDING LEVEL? u guided by scope and scale of project u leveraging, partnership (and incremental reasoning) GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

22 cont’d A3. Regular Projects Modified Example: Country Z requests for funding to set up three indigenous nature reserves. Thru’ regular project:  some capacity building envisioned as part of the project Thru’ modified A3 additional support for:  systematic assessment of capacity building needs in relation to project objectives  specific action to address capacity needs Project gets to address capacity at all levels based on needs assessment GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

23 A4. Programmatic Approach NEW WHAT WILL THIS PATHWAY SUPPORT? The country, with GEF, will develop a coordinating framework to provide phased and sustained support for implementation of a holistic multi- year (medium to long-term) program that better integrates global environmental objectives in to national strategies and plans in support of sustainable development. (Capacity as a critical element of the programmatic approach) GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

24 cont’d A4. Programmatic Approach NEW This is a medium to long term strategic direction; and is under discussion with GEF and its partners. GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

25 Two parts to the GEF action plan A.Pathways for GEF country support B.Support Mechanisms GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

26 B. Support mechanisms  Partnerships  Technical support mechanisms  Strategic leadership GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

27 cont’d B. Support mechanisms  Partnerships  ongoing dialogue on strategy - feedback  exchange between partners (recipient and donor on capacity building programs, incl. country CB programs)  leverage financial resources GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

28 cont’d B. Support mechanisms  Technical support mechanisms  distill and deploy technical support, especially to LDCs and SIDs  coach on best practice  indicators at project cum technical levels  development of tools  support at regional levels  regional collaboration and exchange  strengthening regional centers of excellence GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

29 cont’d B. Support mechanisms  Strategic Leadership  consolidate and apply “new” convention guidance within framework of Action Plan  distill, disseminate and coach on best practices  indicators to monitor programmatic delivery of capacity building (with STAP)  tracking overall progress GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

30 Next Steps on Capacity Building Strategy and GEF Action Plan u Advance further on Strategy and Action Plan  January to March2001 u Consultations through a second round of regional meetings  January to March 2001 u Finalize Strategy and Action Plan  April 2001 u Presentation to GEF Council for Approval  May 2001 u Launch of Action Plan  Country CB Programs  Further incorporation of guidance from Convention (COP6 - CC etc.) GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative

31 Feedback Some questions u What does each pathway represent? u How can countries access GEF support for each of these pathways? u How will the support mechanisms help countries to further capacity building? Specific feedback u special considerations for SIDS and LDCs u good models for country program - pathway A1 GEF-UNDP Strategic Partnership Capacity Development Initiative