Marcus Tullius Cicero By Loren Causevic
Background Born in Arpina, Italy On January 3 rd, 106 BCE In the higher middle class (equestrian order)
Studies Studied philosophy, rhetoric, and Greek and Latin literature in Rome, Athens, and Rhodes Many orations for political events Essays Translating Greek works to Latin
Rise and Fall Became famous in 70 BCE Elected as Consul in 63 BCE First Triumvirate banished him in 58 BCE Second Triumvirate had him killed on December 7 th, 43 BCE
Orations 4 speeches against Catiline in 63 BCE 14 speeches, Philippics, against Antony in 44 and 43 BCE
Influence Wrote letters which provided record of daily Roman life, allows us to see informal side of the Romans Kept many records
Bibliography Tebben, Joseph R. “Cicero.” World Book Online Reference Center | Online Reference Book | Online Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. Morey, William C. “The Times of Antony and Octavius.” Outlines of Roman History, Chapter 22. N.p., n.d. Web. “Cicero.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Jan Web.