VCT Orientation: Background, Accomplishments, Operations
History 1996 – Conceived by TACC – Planned Fall 1998 – Implemented
VCT = Member Colleges Voluntary Collaborative
RESOURCES: CoursesFaculty Student Services Technology Admin Support o enhance access to higher MISSION: To enhance access to higher education by sharing distance learning resources among member colleges.
Decision maker regarding its role or scope What VCT Is NOT Maker of policy or regulations Referee among institutions
How VCT Works: Host-Provider Model Host: Student Services Provider: Instruction
HOST (local) College Responsibilities Enrolls students Collects tuition & fees Receives contact-hour funding Provides student services Administers tests Awards course credit & transcripts courses Pays instruction fee to provider
HOST (local) College Responsibilities Course Content, Quality, and Effectiveness Local process for getting faculty approval of all hosted courses, including syllabi review regarding learning outcomes and indicators of quality.Local process for getting faculty approval of all hosted courses, including syllabi review regarding learning outcomes and indicators of quality. VCT support: online syllabi. Describe any other local actions taken.VCT support: online syllabi. Describe any other local actions taken. Faculty Rosters Confirms faculty rostersConfirms faculty rosters VCT Support: Online Faculty Rosters, full credentials in electronic document systemVCT Support: Online Faculty Rosters, full credentials in electronic document system
HOST (local) College Responsibilities Inst. Effectiveness plan (include Evaluation of Instruction/Services) As a component of your college’s overall processAs a component of your college’s overall process As an activity in which VCT is considered as a program or service “unit”As an activity in which VCT is considered as a program or service “unit”
PROVIDER (remote) College: Instruction Instructors Define course content and instructional methodologiesDefine course content and instructional methodologies Direct class activities, including assignments and testsDirect class activities, including assignments and tests Award gradesAward grades Establishes academic calendar Invoices host colleges for instructional services
Courses that Can Be Hosted/Provided Anything in ACGM WECM courses— If it can be counted as credit in local degree/certificate program, at least as electiveIf it can be counted as credit in local degree/certificate program, at least as elective Comply with local policy
Instruction Fee For each student enrolled on the host college’s day of record, the host pays the provider a per- student instructional fee that is approximately equivalent to the state’s contact-hour reimbursement in FY 03 for that course. For each student enrolled on the host college’s day of record, the host pays the provider a per- student instructional fee that is approximately equivalent to the state’s contact-hour reimbursement in FY 03 for that course. HOST PROVIDER $$
Common Course Numbers HOST-PROVIDER Model Critical Factors Common Accrediting Agency for All Member Institutions (SACS) Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Collaborative Organization TEX. ASSOC. OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES Executive Director Telecommunications Committee General Membership VCT Member Colleges DLAC
TACC Regions
Works closely with VCT Director Resolves or makes recommendations regarding statewide VCT issues Advises TACC on distance learning issues and new initiatives Critical to VCT Operations TACC Distance Learning Advisory Committee
VCT Coordinators— Serve as first point of contact for: VCT staffVCT staff Host & provider collegesHost & provider colleges Responsible for census rosters, grade reports, invoices, testing Deal directly with students Solve problems, resolve inter-institutional issues, do whatever is necessary VCT Coordinators
Ron Thomson Director Aleta Garcia Assistant to Director Website Manager VCT Staff
VCT Operation sManual being updated with new SACS practices VCT MOU MOU VCT MOU MOU Foundation Documents VCT Host & Provider College Practices & Responsibilitie s
Affirms: College’s participation in VCT Application of same due diligence and standards for hosted courses as for local courses College follows provisions of VCT Host and Provider College Practices and Responsibilities and Operations Manual Complies with standards and requirements of SACS, CB, professional associations, other accrediting bodies VCT MOU MOU VCT MOU MOU
Details Host and Provider practices, processes, responsibilities Specifies host and provider responsibilities and actions Specifies critical practices required for compliance with SACS standards Gives instructions on major website applications, e.g., Online Schedule and the Reservation System VCTOperationsManual Being updated with new SACS practices VCTOperationsManual
Coord. Board Reports-Host Refer to: Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Community, Technical, and State Colleges Special section on reporting VCT classes
Reporting “Classes Offered in Conjunction With the Virtual College of Texas” Guidelines apply to any telecomm- delivered class where the instructor is employed by another Texas institution. Class must be active on institution’s course inventory or one of the statewide course inventories.
Host Coord. Board Reports Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Community, Technical, and State Colleges CBM001 - Student Report CBM004 - Class Report CBM008 - Faculty Report
CBM001 (or 00A)- Student Report Receiving institution (Host) reports students enrolled at that institution. Contact hours are reported in items #24 or #25, NOT items #10 or #11.
CBM004 - Class Report Use special coding specified in the CB’s Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Community, Technical and State Colleges. Note: Instead of instructor’s SSN, item #13, substitute last name (first nine letters). FICE code of the PROVIDING institution is entered for item #19.
CBM008- Faculty Report The Faculty Report (CBM008) for the Host (receiving institution) should not include a record for the instructor. Instead of instructors SSN, enter first nine letters of last name.
Provider College & CB Reports For Providers, no special reporting concerns regarding VCT. Providers DO NOT report VCT-enrolled students.
Instructor Issues Hosts’ students not on local rosters Multiple institutions to deal with Census rosters: verify, sign and return Census rosters: verify, sign and return Grade reports: enter grades online or on paper and return (learn different systems) Grade reports: enter grades online or on paper and return (learn different systems) Logistics of testing at multiple colleges Attaching syllabi to courses in course schedule (not an instructor responsibility at some colleges) Other?
Grades: Occasional Problem Host’s policy applies regarding withdrawals and incompletes.
Interactive Video Classes: System compatibility Connectivity Appropriate support technologies (e.g. phone, fax) Scheduling Number of sites (provider) Technical assistance On-site facilitator (host)
Custom Website Applications Key Applications Key Applications Online State and Local Schedule (with syllabi) Reservation System Class Rosters Faculty Rosters (Qualifications) DOR Rosters (Registrars & Instructors) Final Grade Reports (Registrars & Instructors)
Custom Website Applications Support Applications Contact information for key personnel at each college Contact information for key personnel at each college Student Administration Record of basic information for each student enrolling in VCT course(s) Record of basic information for each student enrolling in VCT course(s) Record of courses taken by each student Record of courses taken by each student Security System (passwords, access levels) VCT Information
Collaborative Degrees and Certificates Basic Strategy Students— Take core courses and electives, to extent possible, at home colleges. Transfer to other colleges to complete degrees not offered by home colleges.
VCT Operations Manual Personnel Involved VCT Coordinators Instructors Registrars Personnel Registrars Office Business Office Human Resources
VCT Coordinators - Host Mode DURING REGISTRATION Support enrollment processes: use reservation system Respond to ad hoc calls from students Respond to issues, situation, problems as appropriate
VCT Coordinators - Host Mode DURING COURSE Monitor, trouble shoot, assist: Accessing instructor’s orientationAccessing instructor’s orientation TestingTesting Access to learning resourcesAccess to learning resources Technical assistanceTechnical assistance Keep online rosters current /accurateKeep online rosters current /accurate Withdrawals: ensure withdrawal dates are honored; inform providersWithdrawals: ensure withdrawal dates are honored; inform providers CB reports (CBM001 and 004 for credit)CB reports (CBM001 and 004 for credit) (CBM00A and 00c for Continuing Ed) (CBM00A and 00c for Continuing Ed) Paying invoices of provider collegesPaying invoices of provider colleges
VCT Coordinators - Host Mode END OF COURSE Monitor, troubleshoot, assist: Grades Send reports to providers (online or paper)Send reports to providers (online or paper) Ensure grade reports are returned and forwarded to registrarsEnsure grade reports are returned and forwarded to registrars Instructional Fee Payments Ensure invoices are paidEnsure invoices are paid
Registrars - Host Mode DURING COURSE Generate student rosters for provider cols. Withdraw students when they drop. Submit CBM 00A and 00C reports to CB. END OF COURSE Generate completion rosters; send to providers. Receive returned completion rosters and post to transcripts.
Business Office - Host Mode Pay provider colleges’ invoices. Ensure all providers have been paid.
Human Resources – Host Mode Prepare or support preparation of faculty rosters. Handle, as appropriate, issues related to faculty rosters.
VCT Coordinators - Provider Mode BEFORE COURSE ID courses for VCT online schedule and enter them, including VCT spaces, fee. Brief faculty on VCT responsibilities. Prepare VCT student orientation info.
VCT Coordinators - Provider Mode DURING REGISTRATION Monitor availability of classes in schedule. Inform hosts of canceled classes. Provide students VCT orientation info. Respond to student ad hoc calls.
VCT Coordinators - Provider Mode DURING COURSE Receive/return census (date of record) rosters. Facilitate testing logistics, as appropriate. Address ad hoc issues as they arise. Invoices: monitor sending invoices and receiving payment. END OF COURSE Receive and return grade reports. Ensure all instructional fees are received.
Business Office - Provider Mode DURING COURSE Send invoices to host colleges. END OF COURSE Ensure payments are received from host colleges.