Honolulu CC Operating Budget I.Sources of Funds A. General Funds = “Fixed” -Referred to as current service budget or base budget -Approximately $15M B. Tuition & Fees = “Variable” -Based on student enrollment -Approximately $3M C. Total Operating Funds -$18M
Honolulu CC Operating Budget II. Increasing the Base Budget General Funds A. Generally, the base budget remains constant (CB augmentation) with the exception of minor changes. B. HCC may submit changes to increase the base budget (Biennium or supplement years).
Biennium Budget Process (BI) I.BI = Two-Year Budget Cycle II.Period: July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2007 A. Process beginning FY2005 III.Two Types of Budgetary Requests A. Operating B. CIP
Supplemental Budget Process I.One Year Budget Request II.Period: 2 nd year of the BI -July 1, 2006 to 2007 (FY2007) III.Process Begins: FY 2006
Budgetary Flowchart University of Hawaii System Strategic Plan
Budget Process BI Requests w/Campus Priorities Community College Systems Council of Chancellors Develop Community College Priorities UH System (All UH requests) Council of Chancellors System-wide Priorities
Budget Process BOR Approval Regents Budget Legislature Governor Governor or Executive Budget
CIP Budget Process Campus Needs Campus Requests -New Facilities -Etc. Is the project on the approved Long Range Development Plan (LRDP)? Yes… Begin process -CC System (priorities) -UH System (priorities) -BOR approval -Legislature/Gov approval No… Reject