Chapter 17 Therapies
Psychotherapy Psychological technique for positive changes in personality, behavior, adjustment Usually verbal Between mental health professional and client Individual, group, family, insight-oriented, directive, non-directive, supportive
Psychoanalysis Techniques to uncover unconscious roots of neurosis –Free association –Dream analysis –Analysis of resistance –Analysis of transference
Humanistic Therapies Client-Centered: Carl Rogers –Unconditional positive regard –Empathy –Authentic –Reflection
Existential Therapy Person chooses to become the person he/she wants to be Existence creates conflict Emphasizes free will Examine values and choices Take responsibility for quality of existence
Gestalt Therapy Fritz Perls Expand personal awareness and accept responsibility for one’s thoughts, feelings, actions “here and now” directive
Psych Jockeys and Cybertherapy Discuss problems in general terms Not know background of caller Lack of visual cues Established use of suicide hot lines Anonymity May conflict with state licensing laws
Behavior Therapy Behavior modification, aversion therapy, desensitization, token economies Insight is unnecessary Directly alter problem behaviors People have learned to behave the way they are Change by learning more appropriate behaviors
Behavior Modification Classical conditioning Aversion therapy Desensitization Operant therapies
Cognitive Therapies Aaron Beck Negative, self-defeating thoughts underlie depression Focus on negative All-or-nothing thinking Identify depressing beliefs and look for information to challenge them Rational-emotive behavior therapy
Psychotherapy Goals: encourage, resolve conflict, improve self-esteem, find purpose, mend relationships, change behavior Caring relationship with therapist Protected setting New perspective
Medical Therapies Medication ECT Psycho-surgery Hospitalization
Deinstitutionalization Reduced use of full-time commitment to mental hospitals Limited success without adequate community resources Half-way houses Community mental health centers