Turn in Science Fair Project Friday February Cafeteria 2:30-3:30
Animal Sciences (AS)Animal Sciences (AS) Culver Behavioral and Social Sciences (BE)Behavioral and Social Sciences (BE) Lewis & Root Biochemistry (BI) Lewis & Root Cellular and Molecular Biology (CB) Lewis & Root Chemistry (CH)Ind- Babb Bond Zaidi Team- Walterson Biochemistry (BI) Cellular and Molecular Biology (CB) Computer Science (CS)Computer Science (CS) Crozier & Thomas Earth and Planetary Science (EA) Kenyon Engineering: Electrical & Mechanical(EE) Crozier/Thomas Engineering: Materials (EN) Kenyon Earth and Planetary Science (EA) Engineering: Electrical & Mechanical(EE) Engineering: Materials (EN) Energy and Transportation (ET)Energy and Transportation (ET) Crozier & Thomas Environ. Mang. (EM) Culver Environmental Sciences (EV) Culver Mathematical Sciences (MA) Kenyon Environ. Mang. (EM) Environmental Sciences (EV) Mathematical Sciences (MA) Medicine and Health Sciences (ME)Medicine and Health Sciences (ME) None Microbiology (MI) None Physics and Astronomy (PH) Gazda, Jarret & Andrews Plant Sciences (PS) Kilanowski Microbiology (MI) Physics and Astronomy (PH) Plant Sciences (PS)
PS EV, EM, AS BI, CB, BE CH-indiv EN, EA, MA CH-indiv CH-team ET, EE, CS PH
CHECKLIST FOR SCIENCE FAIR _____ BOARD _____ REPORT _____ COMP.BOOK/BINDER _____ ABSTRACT (on board or separate) PAPERWORK: _____ ADULT SPONSOR(1) _____ STUDENT CHECKLIST(1A) _____ RESEARCH PLAN _____ APPROVAL FORM (1B) _____ OTHER FORMS The student is responsible for showing each of the above items to the teacher as they ask for them. If ANY item is not shown to the teacher, the project will NOT be accepted.
CHISEF Saturday Feb. 2nd Fair Opens at 1:30 pm Award Ceremony at 2:30 pm Pick Up of Boards 3-3:30 ***Any board that is not picked up will be thrown away***
Late Bus Passes can be given to you by your teacher if you need one. Remember the bus picks up at 4pm by the old gym and the CCA.
Pick a project that you think looks interesting! Write the question, hypothesis, results, conclusion, and further study Take a picture of yourself with the project – Use your cell phone or camera – You will be ing or showing these to me Each project you complete these steps for is worth 5 points. You can do up to 4 projects and earn 20 extra credit points! You may NOT use a project from anyone in your class!