Board Update Dr. Janvier NGNOULAYE Board member
Board Update I would like to make first of all few apologies of the Chairman, Badru Ntege who can not be here at this time. He's returned back home last night due to unforeseen circumstances. This short update note provides further information on the Board proceedings since Afrinic-16 in Serekunda, Gambia, May 2012 Board updates Khartoum 20122
Reminder: Board composition after the last election NameCountryRegionFromTo Badru Ntege (Chair)UgandaEastern Africa Lala Andrianamampianina (Vice chair) MadagascarIndian Ocean Nezar N. SamiEgyptNorthern Africa Ndeye Maimouna Diop Diagne SenegalWestern Africa Janvier NgnoulayeCameroonCentral Africa Paulos NyirendaMalawiSouthern Africa Adiel Akplogan – re-appointed CEO of AFRINIC from to Primary BOD members Board updates Khartoum 20123
Alternate BOD members NameCountryRegionFromTo Christian BopeCongo, D. RepublicCentral Africa Krishna SeeburnMauritiusIndian Ocean Khaled KoubaaTunisiaNorthern Africa Alioune B. TraoreMaliWestern Africa Mark ElkinsSouth AfricaSouthern Africa John WalubengoKenyaEastern Africa Board updates Khartoum A quick presentation of each Board member who attends this meeting (just stand up at your seat) Reminder: Board composition after the last election
Board proceedings Since Afrinic-16 in Serekunda, The Gambia May 2012 Renewal of the CEO contract Recruitment of the COO Ratification of the new by-laws Board Committees – Finance: Krishna Seeburn, Mark Elkins, Walubengo John, Adiel A. Akplogan – Previous Bylaws Review Committee: Maimouna Diop, Janvier Ngnoulaye, Ashok Radhakissoon, Adiel Akplogan, ACE New appointment to the Bylaws Review Committee 1. Maimouna Diop (Board), 2. Lala Andriamampianina (Board), 3. Janvier Ngnoulaye (Board), 4. Fiona Asonga (Community) 5. Emmanuel Adjovi (Community) 6. Adiel Akplogan (Board, CEO) 7. Ashok Radhakissoon (Legal Counsel) 8. Viv Padayatchy (Council of Elders - ACE) 9. Pierre Dandjinou (ACE) 10. Nii Quaynor (ACE) Board updates Khartoum 20125
Board proceedings Since Afrinic-16 in Serekunda, The Gambia May meetings so far since the last Afrinic meeting in Gambia (Afrinic-16) – 1 face-to-face in Khartoum 25, 26 Nov (Review and Adoption of New Bylaws, Afrinic Investment Policies, Afrinic Strategic Plan , Review of Draft 2013 Budget, Review of Board Sub- Committees, Review of Member Survey 2012 analysis, etc.) – 6 Teleconferences (Webex system) 1.13 June 2012 (Debriefing from AFRINIC-16, etc. ) 2.17 July 2012 (Bylaw Review, Board elections Review, COO Recruitment, AFRINIC Position on RPKI, etc.) 3.31 July 2012 (especial meeting with local host of Afrinic-17) 4.08 august 2012 (Board election, appointment of chair and vice- chair, overview on the topics in discussion in the RDP List, etc.) 5.16 august 2012 (new Bylaws review, etc.) 6.10 October 2012 (new Bylaws review, WCIT, Afrinic-17, etc.) Board updates Khartoum 20126
Resolutions 8 resolutions so far, that come to 14 resolutions since january 2012 The Board would like to extend its appreciation to the Bylaws Review Working Group and AFRINIC legal Counsel, Mr Ashok Radhakisoon for their excellent job toward this fundamental change in AFRINIC structure. The Board also thanks the community for its support and contribution throughout the process The new bylaws have been finalized by the board and will be formally passed into resolution next week and then published Board updates Khartoum 20127
Average duration of board meetings In teleconference: 2,5 hours In face to face meeting: up to 10 hours Board updates Khartoum 20128
Rate of board meeting attendance Face-to-face 80% Teleconference meetings: 68% Region most often absent either in f2f or teleconf meetings: North Other regions are often presents Board updates Khartoum 20129
International presence 2012 Subject of budget provisions DateEventLocation ATJNJWKKLAMDMENSCBSAKSPNBN 28-2 MarchAPNIC 33New Delhi, India MarchICANN 43Costa Rica AprilRIPE 64Ljubljana, Slovenia AprilARIN XXIXVancouver, Canada YY AprilGlobal INETGeneva, Switzerland Y Y 6-11 MayLACNIC XVIIQuito, Ecuador 6-15 MayAfNOG -13Gambia MayAfriNIC-16Gambia YYYYYYYYYYYYY JuneICANN 44Prague, Czech Republic AugustAPNIC 34Phnom Penh, Cambodia SeptemberIGF 2012Azerbaidjan Y Y 1-12 OctoberRIPE 65TBD YY OctoberICANN 45Toronto, Canada OctoberARIN XXXDallas, USA Y 29-2 NovemberLACNIC VIIIMontevideo, Uruguay November AfriNIC-17Khartoum, North Sudan YYYYYY 3-14 DecemberITU WCITDubai, UAE Y Board updates Khartoum
Next Regular Board Meeting 20th december 2012 : 15:00 UTC In teleconference Main topics: Review and approval of a fiscal year 2013 Budget Adoption of the Board meeting calendar plan for 2013 Adoption of the Board travel calendar plan for 2013 Board updates Khartoum
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