Parts of a Eukaryotic Cell Eu – Good / True Karyote- Kernel (nucleus)
Cell Membrane The Cell Membrane is made of a phospholipid bilayer Phospholipids – are made of a glycerol, phosphate, and two fatty acids Bilayer- Two Layers
Phospholipids (the dancing Baker)
A Phospholipid Bilayer
Membranes are Selectively Permeable Some substances cross the membrane while others cannot cross at all.
Peripheral Proteins Are located on cell membrane: on the outside of the cell and on the inside of the cell attached to membrane
Are located in the cell membrane Integral Proteins Are located in the cell membrane
Fluid Mosaic Membrane Model The membrane acts more like a fluid than a solid. Proteins can change locations in the membrane
Organelles Cytoplasm – the entire contents between the plasma membrane and the nucleus Cytosol- the jelly like substance that surrounds all the organelles
Mitochondria –the powerhouse Mitochondria have many internal folds called cristae (Kris-tee) This is the organelle that produces ATP for Energy This organelle has its own “Mitochondrial DNA”
The inside of the mitochondria is called the MATRIX
Ribosomes – Protein Assemblers Ribosomes have no membrane They are: Made of RNA and Protein Responsible for making proteins Found in the cytosol and on the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Endoplasmic Reticulum – the highway Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) - Covered with ribosomes Makes and transports proteins Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum- Makes Steroids Regulates calcium levels in muscle cells
Rough And Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus – Packaging and Secreting Is a series of flattened sacs with a convex shape It makes, packages and distributes proteins to the cell
Golgi Apparatus
Lysosomes – the digester Have a phospholipid monolayer Digest proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and DNA and RNA Contain enzymes that break down old organelles, viruses and bacteria.
Cytoskeleton – the scaffolding Provides the structural support for a cell Made of Microfilaments-small threads of actin protein. Responsible for cell movement Microtubules- large hollow tubes that help during mitosis
Green = Microtubules Blue = Chromosomes Red = Mitochondria
Responsible for cellular locomotion (movement) Cilia and Flagella Responsible for cellular locomotion (movement) Cilia – hair like projections from the cell Flagella – one to several extensions from the cell
Microtubules in a 9:2 Ratio
Nucleus Contains a nuclear skeleton known as the Nuclear Matrix
Nucleus Nuclear envelope- surrounds the nucleus Cromatin – unraveled chromosomes. Chromosomes – contain genetic information Nuclear pores – openings in the nuclear envelope Nucleolus - makes ribosomes
Cell Wall Only in plant cells They are rigid structures made of cellulose
Vacuoles Store waste, food, and water. Makes up most of many plant cells.
Plastid (found primarily in plant cells) Chloroplast- captures energy from the sun to make sugar Thylakoid