Wings By: Christopher Myers Genre: Fantasy A story in which unbelievable things happen
Words to know attention complained drifting giggle glaring looping struggled swooping
More Words to Know gawk – to stare in a rude way snickered – laughed in a sly, silly way
Attention Careful thinking, looking, or listening
Complained Said that you are unhappy or annoyed or upset about something
Drifting Being carried along by currents of air or water
Giggle To laugh in a silly or uncontrolled way
Glaring Staring angrily
Looping Forming a line, path, or motion shaped so that it crosses itself
Struggled Tried hard, worked hard against difficulties.
Swooping Coming down fast on something
Let’s Practice!
The roller coaster kept around and around, crossing itself.
He about his food because it was not very good.
If you always pay close in school, you should get very good grades.
She to finish the hard test.
I tried not to when she fell on the ice, but it was so funny!
She must have been angry with me because I could see her at me from across the room.
The hawk came down on the mouse. It must have been time to eat!
The balloons were in the air after the girl let them go.
Let’s listen to our story!