Eukaryotic Cell Structures Chapter 7.3
Cellular Boundaries Plasma ____________ membrane (aka cell membrane) is a flexible boundary of a cell It is also a selectively permeable membrane
Cellular Boundaries cell wall cell wall cell membrane Plant Cells, Fungi, Bacteria and some Protists have an additionally membrane called a _________________ It is a fairly rigid structure located outside the plasma membrane It provides additional support and protection cell wall cell membrane
The Cell Wall protects support cellulose not Forms an inflexible barrier that ___________ the cell and gives it __________ Plant cell wall has carbohydrate ____________ (tough mesh of fibers) It does _______ select which molecules can enter into the cell protects support cellulose not
The Cell Wall Primary Secondary Plants can have cell walls that are multiple layers _____________ cell wall develops in young plants A ______________ cell wall can develop in more mature plants Wood is an example of a secondary cell wall Primary Secondary
The Nucleus and Cell Control __________ controls activity of the organelles Has directions (blueprints) to make proteins Nucleus
The Nucleus and Cell Control It is enclosed by a nuclear _____________, which is has a double membrane DNA is organized along with proteins into a fibrous material called _____________ Only when cells are preparing to divide, does the chromatin coil up and condense to form _______________ envelope chromatin chromosomes
2 Membranes on the nucleus
2 Membranes on the nucleus Will turn into chromosomeswhen cell is dividing
The Nucleus and Cell Control Within nucleus lies ____________ Nucleolus makes ______________ Ribosomes are the site where ___________ are made (using DNA instructions) nucleolus ribosomes proteins
Ribosomes 2 cytoplasm They are composed of ____ subunits. Some ribosomes are free & floating in the _____________(clear, gelatinous fluid inside cell) while others are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. They help process instructions (DNA) from the nucleus and convert it into instructions for making a protein 2 cytoplasm
The ENDOPLASMIC SYSTEM The nuclear envelope Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Vacuoles Plasma membrane
Organelles For Assembly & Transport Of Proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum (_____) = site of cellular chemical reactions Arranged like folded membranes in cytoplasm ER
Organelles For Assembly & Transport Of Proteins If ribosomes are attached to the surface of ER it is called ________ (Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum) RER
Organelles For Assembly & Transport Of Proteins SER ______ = Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum no ribosomes attached
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Synthesizes lipids (oils, phospholipids, & steroids) Testes & ovaries are rich in SER to make & secrete hormones Detoxify drugs and poisons in the liver cells Help trigger muscle contractions
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Uses attached ribosomes to make secretory proteins Ex: insulin (proteins that are released from the cell), glycoproteins (part of the plasma membrane) To transport proteins to other organelles Makes its own phospholipids membrane to be transferred by vesicles to other parts of the endomembrane system
Golgi Apparatus or Golgi Body After proteins are made, they are transferred to Golgi Apparatus or ____________ Golgi = center of manufacturing, warehousing, sorting & shipping Products of the ER are modified, stored, and shipped to other destinations Golgi body
Golgi Apparatus or Golgi Body Golgi apparatus = flattened stack of membranes (ex: pita bread) Golgi apparatus sorts proteins into packages and packs them into membrane-bound structures called _______________ to be sent to their destination vesicles
Organelles For Assembly & Transport Of Proteins Two poles of a Golgi stack are referred to as the _____ face and the _______ face Cis is located near the ______ and is the receiving end Trans is the opposite front that sends vesicles on their way Cis Trans ER
Vacuoles and storage storage vacuole Vacuoles = membrane bound compartments used for temporary _________ of materials A vacuole is used to store food, enzymes, waste products, and other materials storage vacuole
Vacuoles and storage central vacuole Examples: Food Vacuoles Contractile Vacuoles (pump excess water) Central Vacuole (seen in plants) central vacuole
Lysosomes and recycling Lysosomes = organelles that contain __________ enzymes Digest excess or worn out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria Can fuse with vacuoles and dispense their enzymes into the vacuole, digesting it contents. digestive
Peroxisomes hydrogen peroxide Contain enzymes that transfer hydrogen from substances to produce _________________as a by-product hence the name! Use oxygen to break fatty acids down Detoxify alcohol H2O2 is toxic to the cell, but it produces an enzyme that converts it to water hydrogen peroxide
Chloroplasts and Energy Chloroplast belongs to a group of plant organelles called ___________ Plastids are used for storage (storing starch, lipids, pigments) Ex: Amyloplast store starch (amylose), Chromoplast have pigments that give fruits & flowers their orange and yellow hues plastid
Chloroplasts and Energy Chloroplast have the pigment ___________ (gives it the green color, traps light energy) chlorophyll
Chloroplasts and Energy Chloroplast = cell organelles that capture ___________ energy and convert it into chemical energy for the plant to use light
granum thylakoid stroma Has double membrane Little stacks of membranous sacs (ex: poker chips) called ___________. Each individual sac is called a ____________ The fluid outside the thylakoids is called ____________ (similar to cytoplasm) Found in plants & algae and used for the site of photosynthesis granum thylakoid stroma
Mitochondria and energy Mitochondria = membrane bound organelles in plant and animal cells that transform __________ for the cell Site of “cellular respiration” the process that generates ________from sugar (with the help of oxygen) Energy is stored in bonds of ATP which the cell organelles can access easily energy ATP
cristae Found in nearly all eukaryotic cells Some cells have a single large mitochondrion or they can have hundreds Enclosed by two membranes (Inner & Outer) Inner membrane is convoluted with infoldings called ____________ cristae
Cytoskeleton skeleton Cytoskeleton = forms a framework for cell (like a ____________) Network of tiny rods and filaments skeleton
Cytoskeleton Microtubules Microfilaments ________________ = thin, hollow cylinders made of proteins _______________ = smaller, solid, protein fibers Maintain shape similar to poles keeping tent up Microtubules Microfilaments
Centrioles microtubules Found in animal cells Occur in pairs Made up of ________________ Play an important role in cell division microtubules
Cilia & Flagella microtubules Cilia and flagella are made of _____________ and aid in locomotion and feeding In unicellular organisms, cilia & flagella are the main means of locomotion microtubules
Cilia & Flagella hair Cilia = short, numerous _______-like projections Occur in large numbers on the cell surface Move more like oars in an alternating pattern hair
Cilia & Flagella Flagella = longer projections that move with a ________-like motion (usually only 1 or 2 flagella) whip
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Prokaryotic cells (ex: bacteria) lack membrane-bound organelles
The DNA is concentrated in a region called the ___________ The DNA is concentrated in a region called the ___________. No membrane separates this region from the rest of the cell. nucleoid
nucleus cytoplasm bigger A eukaryotic cell has a true __________, bound by a nuclear envelope. The region between the nucleus and the plasma membrane is called the __________. Eukaryotic cells are generally much __________ than prokaryotic cells. nucleus cytoplasm bigger
Eukaryotic Cell Animal Cell
Eukaryotic Cell Plant Cell