SMART SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM FOR OPTIMAL POWER GENERATION Submitted By 1.K.Dhinakaran 51909106008 2.R.Rajiv 51909106033 Project Guide : Mr. J.PREMNATH M.E.,
ABSTRACT We have planned to design and fabricate the smart solar tracking system for optimal power generation. Now a day’s constant solar panels are used. which do not move according to the direction of sun rays . so it is receives only a limited sun ray. To overcome this problem we are using a sun tracking system. It’s generate a high efficiency of power.
EXISTING SYSTEM: The existing system receives sun energy for only few hours, which is really not economically when compare the cost which we are spending.
PROPOSED SYSTEM: It is designed to observe the sun light for the available maximum hours(for example 12 hours a day). It will move the solar panel from east to west to correct for the durational movement of the sun in the sky The set of light intensify sensor give the input and it operates gear motors with mechanism.
HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 12 V and 5 V power supply LDR comparator LM 324 MCU AT 89s52 gear motor driver L293D gear motor 3.5 rpm 12 V
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Embedded ‘C’ TOOLS REQUIREMENTS: Small device ‘C’ compiler keil uvision3.
A light detecting resistor(LDR) acts as the sensor . The resistance of the LDR varies from zero to a few mega-ohms depending upon the sun light intensity falling on it. In absolute darkness, it offers the highest resistance, while the resistance dramatically drops when the LDR is exposed to a light source such as sunlight.
The main controlling device is the AT 89s52 microcontroller. It is used to process the signal received from the sensor. It has an in-built ADC available through port 2. LDR is connected to port P2.4. The in-built ADC converters an analogue input voltage received from LDR1 into a 10-bit digital value through successive approximation. The conversion starts by writing a logical ‘1’ to the ADC start conversion bit. This bit stays high as long as the conversion is in progress and cleared by the hardware when the conversion completes.
In this project we have used a gear motor with step angle 5 degrees per step. The torque of the motor depends on the size of the solar panel we are going to use. High torque is used for heavy load. L293D is used to drive the stepper motor.
TRACKING MODEL This is the design model of solar tracking system.
COMPONENTS REQUIRED FOR THE TRACKING MODEL pipe flanges. pipe brackets. Aluminum angle. rotator. bearing. diagonal pipe.
MOUNTING THE SOLAR PANEL The panel can be mounted on a diagonal support pipe analog with a television antenna rotator or gear motor. The LDR sensor is mounted on the panel itself. We need to make a contraption to hold the LDR and fix it on the panel. Note that proper contraption is required to protect the LDR from rain and also allow the sunrays to fall on the LDR from top only.
ADVANTAGES Easy to use rural areas. automated operation. low power consumption.
APPLICATION: Home appliances. large conventional solar power plant. Industrial applications.