The Woman Who Outshone the Sun The Legend Of Lucia Zenteno
Predicting To predict means to tell what you think might happen next in a story judging from what has already happened. A prediction is what you think will happen. As you read, use the clues in the story and what you know from real life to help you decide what might happen next.
Read p. 112 from “What to Do with and Old Hat Read p. 112 from “What to Do with and Old Hat.” Stop and predict what Uncle Nacho will do with his old hat. Write your prediction down on a piece of paper.
Read the remainder of the story on p. 113 Read the remainder of the story on p. 113. How close was your prediction to what really happened?
arrived astonished cruel excitement respect shone spied thirst
I gave my friend water to ease his thirst.
I gave my friend water to ease his thirst.
I arrived at the party after the gifts had been opened.
I arrived at the party after the gifts had been opened.
The villagers spied on Lucia day and night.
The villagers spied on Lucia day and night.
The villagers were astonished to see Lucia as she entered the town.
The villagers were astonished to see Lucia as she entered the town.
In all the excitement, no one noticed at first that Lucia had disappeared.
In all the excitement, no one noticed at first that Lucia had disappeared.
I respect them because they help people.
I respect them because they help people.
The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky.
The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky.
The villagers called Lucia cruel names.
The villagers called Lucia cruel names.
Let’s review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We will clap as we spell the word.