WELCOME! Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener Training Fall 2015
Take Off, Touch Down -Take off if you work in the South Zone Steps for the Strategy 1. All participants are seated. 2. Present a statement. Participants to whom the statement applies stand up (“Take Off”). Those to whom it does NOT apply remain seated. -Take off if you work in the South Zone -Take off if you work in the East Zone -Take off if you work in the West Zone -Take off if you work at the Lee County Public Education Center -Take off if you work at a charter or private school -Take off if you had an AMAZING summer -Take off if this is your first time attending FLKRS training
Norms Group Norms: Please keep and open mind Please keep sidebar conversations to a bare minimum If you need to use your cellphone, please step out into the hallway Restrooms are located down the hallway.
Testing Coordinators Website-FLKRS http://accountability/tc/flkrs.html
Agenda What is the Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS)? Schedule Who to Test Roles/Responsibilities PMRN Work Sampling System (WSS)
What is FLKRS? Kindergarten Readiness Screener for ALL first time kindergarten students Purposes: To inform instruction To provide teachers and parents with useful information about their child’s readiness for kindergarten To annually calculate a readiness rate for public and non-public school providers of the VPK Education Program
What is FLKRS? Work Sampling System (WSS) is the only component for 2015 administration! Observation and Documentation System Five Domains Personal and Social Development Language and Literacy Mathematical Thinking Scientific Thinking Physical Development, Health, and Safety Total of 47 Skills observed during classroom activities
Documents Needed Each teacher will need to be provided the following documents to administer FLKRS: FLKRS Administration Manual which this year contains The Work Sampling System Developmental Guidelines for Kindergarten Readiness Manuals were already sent to schools Work Sampling System Developmental Checklist or Class Record Form (also in the Manual)
Assessment Schedule Send Parent Letters Home Letters located on Testing Coordinators-FLKRS website Send ASAP/beginning of school Available in English, Spanish, Haitian-Creole WSS Observations (Aug 24-October 5th) Ratings recorded on Individual Student Developmental Checklist or on Classroom Roster, transferred into PMRN by October 6th
Who to Test All public school kindergarten students who enter within the first 30 days of school except for retained students Some ESE students with Potentially Limiting Physical Conditions may not be able to be assessed on every benchmark but every student should be given the opportunity to participate
Responsibilities School Principal Designee/Testing Coordinator Register School and assign users Enter school schedule into PMRN Designee/Testing Coordinator Verify PMRN Access for Teachers Assign/Edit User Roles/Ensure test administrators have access to the PMRN Verify and Add Students/Create Classes Train Teachers/Test Administrators on FLKRS and PMRN Access Score Reports, utilize for guiding instruction Distribute FLKRS materials to test administrators Monitor the testing window to ensure test administrators record results in PMRN by October 6th. WSS entry screen won’t be available after that date.
Responsibilities Test Administrators (Teachers) Observe kindergarteners and document observations Cannot screen students they taught in VPK Record student observations for the WSS benchmarks in the PMRN Share student results with parents during conferences, etc.
Rally Robin Rally Robin with your should partner: What is FLKRS? What is the purpose of FLKRS? What materials does a teacher need to administer FLKRS? Where are the parent letters located? What are the responsibilities of the Testing Coordinators for FLKRS?
Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) v5
What is PMRN? The Progress Monitoring Reporting Network (PMRN) is the administrative application that is used to enter evaluation data for FLKRS.
Accessing the PMRN You can access the PMRN through any of these browsers. Technical specifications for PMRN are published on the Testing Coordinators-FLKRS website, if needed.
Accessing PMRN Logging in via https://pmrn.fldoe.org Click the Log In button You should be taken to the Lee County page to log in After logging, the PMRN Home Page will open Public Schools Private Schools
Accessing PMRN If prompted to select an organization, use the drop down list to locate Lee County School District.
Accessing the PMRN Once you have signed into the Single Sign-On Portal you should see the PMRN link under the Resources & Assessments header If the link is not available (grayed out) you will need to contact your principal or the IEN helpdesk to check your user access
Accessing the PMRN On the PMRN Home Page, click the PMRN button, then read and agree to the FERPA statement by clicking the “I agree” button. What is FERPA? The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. NOTE: Your PMRN Home Page may show more options depending upon your role
Round Robin Round Robin- -What is PMRN? -How do you access PMRN? -What is FERPA?
PMRN User Levels and Roles/Responsibilities
School Administrator [Principal] Has access to all information for school in PMRN Beginning of School Year Registration Register School Specific Instructions were emailed to principals Enter School Assessment Calendar Add and Remove Users (via district SSO updates) Teachers must be included in both district SSO and Survey 8 to have SSO/PMRN access and students assigned Other users must be in district SSO, then school assigns role
Setting Assessment Calendar System accounts for weekends and Labor Day so they do not need to be entered. PMRN is not available to enter data on these days either. Rosh Hashanah First Day of Student Instruction 30 Days of Instruction Non-Instructional Days WSS Data Entry Close Date 8/24/15 10/5/15 9/14/15 10/6/15
School Designee User [Testing Coordinator] Each school may only have one School Designee User Responsible for day-to-day PMRN administration User Abilities Update User Roles Users no longer Added through PMRN – no “Add User” button – must be done through district SSO Add, Enroll, Remove, or Withdraw students Create classes (if not done through Survey 8) Receive official communications from PMRN Presenter: Each school may only have one (1) School Level 2 (SL2) User. The SL2 User is added by the SL1 User at the beginning of the school year. The SL2 User is the User who is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the PMRN. This is usually the Reading/Literacy Coach. SL2 Users can: Add and Remove Users Enroll, Remove, or Withdraw students Create classes Receive official communications from the PMRN The SL2 User is also known as the PMRN Manager. Sometimes, the SL2 User is the: Assistant principal in charge of Curriculum Curriculum Resource teacher Standards Coach SL2 Users have the same PMRN access and administrative abilities given to principals (SL1 Users), except SL1 Users have: Access to the School Configuration pages The ability to create and remove Coach’s Log Users
Standing Pair Share Standing Pair Share with shoulder partner: -What are the three PMRN responsibilities of the principal? -What day needs to be added as a non-instructional day? -What is ONE responsibility of a School Designee User (Testing Coordinator) in PMRN?
Managing Users and Students in PMRN Wait until August 31st until you manage users and students in PMRN
Activating Users (Public) Click Users tab. Click on teacher’s name. Enter teacher’s email. In left column: Click boxes to allow access levels. In right column: Click boxes to allow access to the PMRN. Click Submit. Present slide. Presenter: Additional Information SL1 and SL2 access levels may add new users by opening the Users Tab. At the beginning of the year, the principal should add his or her Reading Coach as the SL2 User for the school. In the PMRN, the principal is the SL1 User and the Reading/Literacy Coach or other designee is the SL2 User. An SL1 or SL2 User may add a new User. SL3 Users can add Reading and Resource Users. Please verify the E-mail address with the User. The Identifier is the person’s Employee ID number or Social Security number. Access Level refers to the User level you assign this person. A teacher’s Employee ID number is usually 6 or 7 digits in length. The School Level User would need to enter their 2-digit District Number in front of the Employee ID number (plus a possible zero) to meet the 9-digit requirement for an Identifier.
Removing Users Click Users tab Click on teacher’s name Uncheck the boxes in both columns Click Submit Present slide. Presenter: “Before a user can be removed, students must be reassigned to a new teacher. Click Users tab. Click the name of the User you want to remove.”
Removing Users Confirm that this is the teacher to be removed and click Continue Present slide. Additional Information A teacher who has Progress Monitoring scores associated with him or her cannot be deleted from the list of this year’s teachers. Access to the reports should be removed, but the teacher’s name will still appear on the list of Users at the school. Note: District Level 1 (DL1) and District Level 2 (DL2) Users will follow the same process to remove DL2 and DL3 Users.
Adding Classes Click Classes/Periods tab Click Add Class/Period button Present slide. Additional Information Periods can be used in a variety of ways. Periods can be used to group students by the time that they see the teacher, by students taught by a set of team teachers, or by ability levels. This is a great feature that allows you to group students in meaningful ways for instruction.
Adding Classes Use drop-down menus to complete information. Click Submit Present slide. Presenter: - Once the class has been added, students may be added or enrolled into the class.
Adding Students Click Class Summary tab Click the name of the class Click Add Student Present slide.
Adding Students Search for the student in the PMRN by entering the student’s 10-digit ID number, or first and last name and birthdate Click on Search Presenter: “Begin at your Home Page and click the Classes/Periods tab. Click the name of the class and period in which you want to add a student.” Additional Information: Within the PMRN, you must first search for a student before you put them in a class. Beside each student’s name is an indicator of his or her current status at your school: Shows this student is assigned to another class Shows this student is already assigned to the class selected. Shows the student can be added to this class. To add one or more students to this class, click the box(es) in front of their name(s). Click Submit. If this completes your additions, click Return To Class Roster. You will return to the Edit Class page. is enrolled at a grade level other than the one you selected
Adding Students If the student is located in PMRN, select the radial button for the student and click Next Select Enroll in Class Present slide.
Adding Students If the student is not located in PMRN, select the “I want to enroll a new student” radial button and click Next Enter the student information and click Add Present slide. Presenter: Students that have not been added via the Survey 8 import may be enrolled into a school in the PMRN. There a two (2) methods in which a student may be enrolled: Students may be enrolled into the school Students may be enrolled directly into their assigned class A student may be enrolled directly into their assigned class by: Clicking the Classes/Periods tab Click the name of the class in which the student should be enrolled Directions continued on next slide
Reassigning Classes Classes can be reassigned for teachers who are no longer in the school Click Classes/Periods Select Teacher and period to reassign Select current teacher Click Submit Present slide. Presenter: A class may be re-assigned to a different teacher if the current teacher is re-assigned or is no longer in the school. Note: A class may only be assigned to a teacher who does not already have a class at the same grade level assigned to them. Click for fly-in: Presenter: Click the Classes/Periods tab.” Presenter: “Click name of class for which you wish to assign teacher.” Presenter: “In the Period drop-down menu, select ALL.” Presenter: “Select new teacher from the “Change the teacher for this period” drop-down menu.” Presenter: “Click Submit.” The class will now be assigned to the new teacher.
Removing Students from a Class Click Classes/Periods Select teacher and period Click Remove Student Click in box next to student’s name Click Submit Presenter: “Uncheck the student’s “In Class” box. Click: Submit” Additional Information: Students can be removed from a class, but their information is still available within the school so they can be transferred to another class. Students can also be withdrawn from a school. Only School Level 1, 2, or 3 Users can remove students from a class or withdraw students from a school.
Deleting Classes In Classes/Periods tab, click Delete Class/Period next to the teacher’s name and period (option available only if no students are enrolled in class) Presenter: “Students must be reassigned to another class in the PMRN prior to deleting that class. Click the Classes/Periods tab.” Present slide.
Withdrawing Students from PMRN Click Students Select Grade Search by one of three methods Click in box next to student’s name Click Withdraw Selected Student Presenter: “Click Students tab. From the drop-down menu, select either All Grades, or the student’s specific grade. Click either the letter that is the first letter of the student’s Last Name OR type the student’s Last Name in the box. Click Search. Presenter: “Click on the box(es) next to the names of the students(s) you want to withdraw. Click the Withdraw Selected Students button. Click Continue.” Additional Information: Only a School Level 1, 2 , or 3 User can withdraw a student from school in the PMRN. Note: If a student needs to be withdrawn and is “In Progress” with a task in the 3-12 WAM, a User will now be able to withdraw the student, even though the student has not completed testing. Please contact the Support Specialists of the PMRN Help Desk for assistance. - When a list of students is retrieved, click the check box(es) that belong(s) to the students(s) you want to withdraw so that the check is not selected.
Work Sampling System (WSS) Observational Tool
WSS Basics The heart of the Work Sampling System is focused on ongoing evaluation where a student’s work is assessed repeatedly through Guidelines and Checklists Teacher observations Work samples and other methods of documenting Repeated assessment allows the teacher to identify patterns of student learning. Each skill for WSS needs to be observed repeatedly to be rated as in-process or proficient.
WSS Basics WSS uses actual student work as part of the documentation for observation. Teachers can select samples of work that cover multiple indicators. Teachers may also take photos or video of students performing activities that show skills being observed, and annotate as documentation Emphasis is on documenting observation Be careful to record fact not opinion
WSS Basics
WSS Basics Five Domains Personal and Social Development Language and Literacy Mathematical Thinking Scientific Thinking Physical Development, Health, and Safety Under the domain of Mathematical Thinking, we can look at several Functional Components: Processes and Practices Number Operations and Algebraic Thinking Measurement Geometry
WSS Basics Each functional component is composed of a set of performance indicators. In Processes and Practices, we see specific performance indicators: Reasons quantitatively and begins to use some tools Begins to recognize patterns and makes simple generalizations. These would be the specific indicators for which the teacher will be observing and collecting evidence of the child’s performance
WSS Basics The evidence collected may include teacher observations, work samples, and possibly other sources of information like other school personnel Teacher will rate students based upon collected evidence (Not Yet, In Process, Proficient) Rating will need to be completed and entered into PMRN system within the first thirty days of school. Users will not be able to access and view WSS screens after the first 30 school days. WSS Reports will be available in late October or early November
Round Robin Round Robin- -What can teachers use to collect evidence for the WSS? -What are the five domains? -When do the ratings need to be completed and entered in PMRN?
Special Needs/ELL Students When using the Work Sampling System with students with special needs, it is permissible to modify the way you assess or how the student demonstrates the skills, but not the checklist Look for non-verbal means a student can convey skill, especially for non-English speakers
WSS Developmental Checklist Located in back of FLKRS Test Administration Manual pp. 50-51, and on PMRN Shows all Domains, Functional Components and Performance Indicators Teacher completes one per student to record evidences collected, then makes rating When a teacher selects ratings on the Developmental Checklist, they compare the evidences of the child’s performance of an indicator to the expectations detailed in the WSS Developmental Guidelines to determine appropriate rating.
WSS Reference Table Suggested Activities The Reference Table gives examples of suggested activities teachers can use to document student progress. It is available on the Testing Coordinator-FLKRS website.
The student was given opportunity to show skill, but did or could not. WSS Rating Guide The student was given opportunity to show skill, but did or could not. The expectation is that there will be very few students with this rating, as the guidelines are based upon normal 4 year old development. The student almost always demonstrates the skill under different circumstances and settings.
Other WSS Ratings
Entering WSS Rankings into PMRN Before teachers can input ratings for each indicator, the FLKRS Demographics page must be completed for each student The ratings for each indicator: Not Yet, In Process, and Proficient will be recorded in the PMRN on the WSS data collection screen. Teachers will review evidence, make interpretations, and then select the appropriate rating for each performance indicator. WSS Data Entry Guide is located on the Testing Coordinator-FLKRS website.
Completing Student Demographics Select the FLKRS Demographics tab to begin the data entry process. Then, select the student’s name from the dropdown and complete each section. Click Save. Repeat this for every student. The FLKRS demographics must be completed and saved for each student prior to entering her/his WSS data.
Entering WSS Ratings into PMRN WSS ratings will be entered for each student by clicking on the Class Summary tab, then selecting the WSS tab. Select the student in the drop-down box, then enter the ratings for each indicator. Note: System automatically saves each entry so there is no “Save” button on this page. Entries may be changed as needed during test window.
Checking Status of Data Entry Select the Class Summary tab and select a class.
Checking Status of Data Entry Select the Class Summary tab for that class. The circles indicate data entry progress.
WSS PPT/Videos for Teacher Training DOE has created a Teacher PPT introducing WSS which is posted to the Testing Coordinator- FLKRS website. Pearson has also developed a voiced-over PPT and videos that may be used for teacher training. Will take about 2 hours. Provides specific examples of observation, documentation and includes discussion activities. Training located at: https://www.brainshark.com/pearsonassessments/vu?pi=zGYzrYXXiz113Uz0
Contact Information Michele Stanford MicheleASt@leeschools.net IEN Helpdesk 855-814-2876 ienhelp@fldoe.org
Any questions?