1 IHST International Outreach Efforts AHS Forum 63 Virginia Beach May 3, 2007
3 Implementation Process Influence Safety Enhancements - Worldwide Data Analysis Set Safety Priorities Achieve consensus on priorities Integrate into existing work and distribute Implement Safety Enhancements - U.S. Agree on problems and interventions
4 IHST Safety Initiative Analysis, Implementation and Metrics Management Structure IHST Executive Committee JHSAT Lead Group JHSIT Lead Group Canada JHSAT EASA JHSAT Canada JHSIT EASA JHSIT Region X, Y, Z JHSIT US/CAN/EASA Consolidated Recommendations JHSAT sends recommendations to JHSIT US/CAN/EASA/X,Y,Z Implementation Results JHSAT/JHSIT cross-talk Need to maintain a strong communication/feedback loop between IHST – JHSAT - JHSIT Process development using US NTSB data represents 48% of worldwide fleet Measure Accident Reductions Effectiveness Measure Implementation Effectiveness Regions X, Y, Z defined as those pockets of operation not able to staff a full JHSAT team and are willing to work implementation of US/CAN/EASA findings to benefit their fleets Others
5 Engaging the International Community IHST JHSAT Lead Group JHSIT Lead Group Engaging other regions
6 Regional IHST Meetings June 2006 : S Asia Regional Conference held in New Delhi India –About 200 participated –Regional JHSAT is being set up –Mark Liptak will run a workshop on March 26, 27 ’07 –Once JHSIT gets organised regional JHSIT will be organised March 20, 21 : S pacific Regional Conference : Melbourne, Australia –Working closely with CASA –JHSAT working group is being set up –JHSIT will follow June 4,5,6 : S American Regional Conference : to be held : Sao Palo Brazil –Discussions are in progress to set up JHSAT workshops and constituting regional JHSAT
7 Other Regional Initiatives JHSAT Canada is being set up : Bill Taylor is the co chair : industry co chair being identified Activities in Europe : EHSAT is in progress South Africa, Europe & Middle East –Target regions in 2008
8 Follow up Actions Required 20% of the 10 year goal has elapsed JHSAT interim goals need to be implemented ASAP: SMS & recurrent training JHSIT is working on this Other JHSAT recommendations need to be passed on to the operators at the earliest possible –Planned for IHSS 2007 OEMs already on board : short, mid and long term strategies need to be worked –OEMs will announce strategies IHSS 2007 will be provide opportunites to discuss these strategies
9 IHSS 2007 September 19 to 21 Omni Hotel Montreal
10 International Helicopter Safety Symposium 2007 Date: Wed, Sept 19 -Fri,Sept 21, 2007 Location: Montreal, Canada Venue: Hotel Omni Mont-Royal Theme: Bringing about Culture Change in the Vertical Flight Industry to Enhance Safety Topics: JHSAT & JHSIT progress updates, Invited speakers from industry, paper sessions, workshops, summary
11 Day 1: Progress Updates & Special Topics Opening Remarks - IHST Executive Team Joint Helicopter Safety Analysis Team (JHSAT) - Progress update on Year 2000 accident analysis Joint Helicopter Safety Implementation Team (JHSIT) - Progress update on evaluating JHSAT recommendations Invited Speakers: Military - Kurt Garbow Director, Aviation and Operational Safety, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Safety) Human Factors - Dr. Graham Braithwaite Senior Lecturer and Director of the Safety and Accident Investigation Centre, Cranfield University Insurance - Kyle Anderson Senior Vice President, General Aviation Underwriting, USAIG
12 Day 2: Invited Speakers OEMS: Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc - Mike Blake, Executive Vice President, Programs Eurocopter - Marc Paganini, President & CEO Sikorsky Aircraft Corp - Jeff Pino, President Augusta- Monti Giuliano, Vice President Engineering Pratt & Whitney Canada - Walter Di Bartolomeo, Vice President, Engineering Rolls Royce - Scott Crislip, President for Helicopter & Small Gas Turbine Engines Turbomeca - Serge Maille, Customer & Technical Support Vice-President CAE - Stephane Clement, Director, Industry Regs, Tim Dewhirst, Training Manager, SimuFlite Honeywell - Vicki Panhuise, Vice President Commercial & Military Helicopters
13 Day 2: Invited Speakers International Representatives India - K. Sridharan, Retired Air Vice Marshal : President Rotary Wing Society of India Europe - EASA - Alastair Healey or alternate Australia – Dr. Arvind Sinha ( Director Sir Wackett Aerospace laboratories, RMIT) Brazil - CENIPA - Brig Jorge Kersul, Head Chief Operators Alpine Helicopters - Alex Holliday, Safety Manager PHI - Mike Hurst, Chief Pilot OR Robert Bouillon, Director of Safety
14 Day 3: Papers, Workshops & Summary 3 Concurrent Paper Sessions Safety & Survivability Equipment - Bell - Martin Peryea, Chief Engineer, Government Programs Management of Culture Change FAA - Matthew Rigsby, Rotorcraft Directorate Training Solutions Bell - Marty Wright, Training Academy 3 Concurrent Workshops - same topics Safety & Survivability Equipment - Bell - Roy Fox, Chief, Flight Safety Eurocopter - Joe Syslo, Manager, Accident Investigation Management of Culture Change CAE - Adolfo Klassen, Chief Technology Officer FAA - Mark Liptak or backup, Safety Mgmt PM, Eng&Prop Dir Training Solutions CHC Helicopter Ops- Greg Wyght Vice President, Safety & Quality TSB - Nick Stoss, Acting Director General - Investigation Operations Summary Session - led by Executive Committee
15 Actions “Safety” is every body’s business. “Safety” is culture change “Safety” is changing the system “Safety” is technology to support the above Challenge: safety measures must be retrofitted cost effectively on existing low technology fielded fleet All involved in the industry must buy-in and invest in these safety measures –It is wise to invest a few thousand now to save millions in business and in valuable lives ( 8 per 100K flying hours) Get the whole helicopter community on board
16 Thank you