ZigBee Module 구성도
IEEE LR-WPAN Low power consumption Frequent battery change is not desired and/or not feasible Low cost Otherwise, wireline alternative may be preferred An application itself may not be attractive High throughput is not required Typically, short-lived sporadic messages Latency or reliability could be more important
IEEE MAC Extremely low cost Ease of implementation Reliable data transfer Short range operation Very low power consumption Simple, but flexible protocol
IEEE MAC Network Coordinator Transmits network beacons Sets up a network Manages network nodes Stores network node information Routes messages between paired nodes Receives constantly Network Node Generally battery powered Searches for available networks Transfers data from its application as necessary Determines whether data is pending Requests data from the network coordinator Can sleep for extended periods
IEEE MAC Device Classes Full function device (FFD) Any topology Network coordinator capable Talks to any other device Reduced function device (RFD) Limited to star topology Cannot become a network coordinator Talks only to a network coordinator Very simple implementation MAC Features Association, disassociation Acknowledged frame delivery Channel access mechanism Frame validation Guaranteed time slot management Beacon management MAC management has 26 primitives cf. 131 primitives of / Bluetooth
IEEE MAC Access Mechanisms Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA-CA) Either slotted or unslotted version used Slotted CSMA-CA in a beacon-enabled network Unslotted or standard CSMA-CA in networks without beacons Optionally, contention-free access using Guaranteed Time Slots (GTSs)
IEEE MAC MAC-Related Parameters One symbol duration 16 usec 25 usec 50 usec aUnitBackoffPeriod = 20 symbols Backoff countdown unit aBaseSlotDuration = 60 symbols A superframe slot = aBaseSlotDuration * 2^SO SO = superframe order CCA detection time = 8 symbols Random backoff [0,2^BE-1] Backoff exponent BE increases by one whenever CCA busy macMinBE = 0~3 (3 is default) If macMinBE=0, collision avoidance is disabled for the first tx attempt aMaxBE = 5 (constant) aMaxFrameRetries = 3 (constant) Contention window CW for slotted CSMA-CA Initially 2, and decreases by one after a CCA idle assessment To avoid a potential collision with an ACK transmission
IEEE MAC Power Save Mechanisms Going to sleep state as often as possible by utilizing: Inactive mode in superframes Snooze mode of coordinator –No beacon transmission in snooze mode GTS for other devices Extracting pending messages from coordinator Using data request command Message pending indicated in beacon frames Addressing All devices have unique 64-bit extended addresses 8-bit or 16-bit short addresses can be allocated during association Addressing modes: Network + device identifier Source/destination identifier
IEEE MAC General MAC Frame Format
IEEE MAC MAC Frame Components Frame control MAC frame type, Address field format Controls the ACK – ACK or no ACK Address Information Variable number of addresses 8-bit/16-bit short or 64-bit extended address Sequence number Same number use for the subsequent ACK Frame check sequence (FCS) CRC-16 for frame integrity check Four Types of MAC Frames Data Frame Acknowledgment Frame After TurnaroundTime (12 symbols) or aUnitBackoffPeriod boundary Beacon Frame Specifies devices with pending messages MAC Command Frame Association request/response Data request for pending messages GTS request/allocation and many others
IEEE PHY Operating Frequency Bands
IEEE PHY Channel Frequencies Modulation Parameters
IEEE PHY PHY Common Parameters Transmit Power Capable of at least 1 mW Transmit Center Frequency Tolerance - 40 ppm Receiver Sensitivity (Packet Error Rate <1%) GHz band /915 MHz band RSSI Measurement Packet strength indication Clear channel assessment (CCA) Dynamic channel selection PHY Frame Structure
IEEE Characteristics Simpler PHY One Tx rate per channel Low Tx power Simpler MAC No virtual carrier-sense No worry about hidden nodes No RTS/CTS & No fragmentation No continuous CCA Relaxed timing requirement Extensive power saving features Zigbee Stack Requirements 8-bit μC, e.g., 80c51 Full protocol stack <32k Simple node only stack ~4k Coordinators require extra RAM Node device database Transaction table Pairing table
ZigBee Spec. V1.0
ZigBee Coordinator (ZC) One and only one required for each ZB network. Initiates network formation. Acts as PAN coordinator (FFD). May act as router once network is formed. ZigBee Router (ZR) Optional network component. May associate with ZC or with previously associated ZR. Acts as coordinator (FFD). Participates in multihop routing of messages. ZigBee End Device (ZED) Optional network component. Shall not allow association. Shall not participate in routing.
ZigBee Spec. V1.0
ZigBee Routing If you’ve got a routing table entry then use it. If you’ve got a routing table and there’s room for another entry then try route discovery. Otherwise, route along the tree (if you can). Tree Routing
ZigBee Spec. V1.0 Routing Table Route Discovery Table
ZigBee Spec. V1.0 Routing Cost
ZigBee Spec. V1.0 Starting a network Permitting a device to join
ZigBee Spec. V1.0 Joining a network Joining by orphaning
ZigBee Spec. V1.0 NWK setting for a residential stack