Daily Fix-Its Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 2 Week 4
1. Wild animals is having a hard time living with humens. 2. Many has becomed endangered.
1. Wild animals is having a hard time living with humens. 2. Many has becomed endangered.
1. Wild animals are having a hard time living with humans. 2. Many have become endangered.
3. The scouts is clening up the river. 4. This be a good way to hep animals.
3. The scouts is clening up the river. 4. This be a good way to hep animals.
3. The scouts are cleaning up the river. 4. This is a good way to help animals.
5. We shuld plant trees to replace the wons we cut down. 6. Loss of trees increases the level, of carbon dioxide in the air?
5. We shuld plant trees to replace the wons we cut down. 6. Loss of trees increases the level, of carbon dioxide in the air?
5. We should plant trees to replace the ones we cut down. 6. Loss of trees increases the level of carbon dioxide in the air.
7. We once had a beagel named obiwan. 8. That dog aten more than i did.
7. We once had a beagel named obiwan. 8. That dog aten more than i did.
7. We once had a beagle named Obiwan. 8. That dog ate more than I did.
9. Jane goodall has spent she life educating the world about animals. 10. She is a great exampel of how to treat Wildlife.
9. Jane goodall has spent she life educating the world about animals. 10. She is a great exampel of how to treat Wildlife.
9. Jane Goodall has spent her life educating the world about animals. 10. She is a great example of how to treat wildlife.