FPGA based Software Defined Radio Centre de Recherche INRIA – Rennes Bretagne Atlantique Abstract Software defined radio (SDR) opens a new door to future Internet of Things with higher degree of designing flexibility in context of wireless system development. Prototyping a remote implementation of wireless protocols on a hardware over the web requires a highly versatile software radio platform along with laid-back designing tools. To this aim, an FPGA-based SDR scheme has been proposed combining Virtex-6 Perseus 6010 platform capabilities and a design flow based on High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools. A full IEEE (ZigBee) physical layer has been implemented on the proposed platform from a C-language dataflow specification. All the results have been analyzed to lead to a fair comparison between different design flows. Although the proposed SDR has some designing issues, it shows a noticeable designing potentiality to flexible prototyping of future wireless systems. IRISA / Inria – Cairn Team Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Computing Architectures An FPGA Software Defined Radio Platform with a High-Level Synthesis Design Flow University of Rennes 1 – IRISA / Inria ENSSAT – 6 rue de kerampont – Lannion France Vaibhav Bhatnagar, Ganda Stephane Ouedraogo, Matthieu Gautier, Arnaud Carer and Olivier Sentieys IRISA, INRIA, University of Rennes, France SDR platform integration flows Integration results of IEEE on Perseus 6010 platform IEEE experience feedback FPGA design from high level specifications Key issues : -specific development methodology allowing the flexibility of high-level specifications, -a modular platform supporting various waveforms. In this paper: -Nutaq Perseus platform experience -Integration with high-level synthesis design TransmitterReceiver SlicesFFLUTSlicesFFLUT HC-VHDL HLS-VHDL DSL: Synchronous Data Flow with controller Block-level specification using library (C++/VHDL blocks) Integration using Vivado (ISE) design suite New methodology: from high level specifications to FPGA integration We compare: Two VHDL design flows: -HLS flow from C-language specification (CatapultC) -Hand-coded VHDL design Perseus 6010 development tools: -MBDK: Matlab Simulink GUI tool -BSDK: Script based tool Transmitted baseband signals in Chip-scope Received baseband signals in Chip-scope Resource estimation of IEEE transmitter designs HLS-VHDL Modulated spectrumWorking test bench Perseus Nutaq Perseus 6010 board -Virtex-6 FPGA -Development tools -Mezzanine add-on cards Nutaq Radio420X FPGA mezzanine card -SISO full duplex RF transceiver -Wide frequency range: 300 MHz - 3 GHz -Selectable bandwidth: MHz -12 bits and 40 MBPS (DAC and ADC) The Nutaq platform IEEE transceiver Dev. time Design space exploration RTL control HC-VHDL--+ HLS-VHDL++- Dev. time User-friendly interface Licence depedency Hardware control MBDK++--- BSDK--++
Waveform design Domain-specific language RTL merging Third-party blocks Library IP 1IP 2 IP N-1 IP_x.cpp IP_x_v1.vhd Waveform description language Multi-rate framer.tcl IP N HLS tools.tcl IP loading.tcl.cpp.vhd Framer design Platform integration To FPGA Bitstream generation.vhd.bit Design constraints HLS tools IP loading.vhd N IP_x_v2.vhd IP_x_v3.vhd SDR high-level specifications Hand-coded VHDL C/C++ HLS tools High Level Synthesis Sript based tools Graphical User Interface tools Bit stream VHDL design FPGA integration Algorithm To FPGA