Genre: Realistic Fiction Skill: Author’s Purpose Me and Uncle Romie By: Claire Hartfield Genre: Realistic Fiction Skill: Author’s Purpose Author’s Purpose:
Author’s Purpose The author’s purpose is the reason an author has for writing. An author usually writes to inform, to persuade, to entertain, or to express an opinion.
Say It! flights stoops pitcher ruined fierce treasure feast cardboard
More Words to Know conductor conversation platform
fierce strong
cardboard thick, stiff pieces of paper
ruined spoiled
feast huge meal
treasure value
stoops front steps
pitcher baseball player
flights sets of stairs
They put their old toys in the cardboard box.
They put their old toys in the cardboard box.
The fierce tiger was locked in a cage at the zoo.
The fierce tiger was locked in a cage at the zoo.
I ruined my good shirt when I spilled paint on it.
I ruined my good shirt when I spilled paint on it.
Henry walked up three flights of stairs to get to his apartment.
Henry walked up three flights of stairs to get to his apartment .
The Indians and Pilgrims ate a huge feast at Thanksgiving.
The Indians and Pilgrims ate a huge feast at Thanksgiving.
The pirate hunted for the treasure using a map.
The pirate hunted for the treasure using a map.
My favorite baseball pitcher plays for the Chicago Cubs.
My favorite baseball pitcher plays for the Chicago Cubs.
My neighbor and I sat outside on the stoops in front of our apartment building.
My neighbor and I sat outside on the stoops in front of our apartment building.
Let’s review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We will clap as we spell the word.
Spelling Words
Review Questions p.
Review Questions p.