The story takes place in Wonderland. It’s a colorful world full of stuff you can’t even imagine. It is inhabited by many strange creatures. The land is laid out like a huge chessboard. The time period is in the early 1900’s.
Alice- The 7 year old protagonist of the story. Alice is polite,well raised, and interested in others. She sometimes makes the wrong remarks and upsets the creatures of Wonderland. She has blonde hair that shines and a blue and white dress. Caterpillar- He is rather strict and not very polite or friendly but he does help Alice throughout the book. He is a big, blue caterpillar with a lot of legs.
Cheshire Cat- He constantly grins and can disappear. He sometimes leaves a grin behind. He has a big smile and a purple striped body. Mad Hatter- He occasionally is very rude and provokes Alice during the tea party. When he is called upon the Queen, he is very nervous and frightened. He always wore a top hat with a price tag on it.
Queen of Hearts- She rules over Wonderland. She is violent, demanding, and has a lack of patience. She wears a red and black heart printed dress. White Rabbit- He is nervous and is always in a hurry. However, he is confident enough about himself to contradict the King of Hearts. He wears a coat with a big stopwatch clock.
Alice gets stuck in Wonderland and undergoes changes while entrenched in the strange world. She hasn’t found out a way to get back to her normal world.
Alice realizes that Wonderland is a sham and knocks over the Card Court, causing her to wake up and dispel the dream of Wonderland.
I think it is a good book for all ages. It has a lot of descriptive words. There’s a lot of action and excitement. My favorite part is when Alice meets the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter.
Lewis Carroll had 7 sisters. He gained a place at Oxford in Lewis died on January 14 th, 1898 His family moved to Yorkshire when he was 12. His real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. “Lewis Carroll” is just a pen name.
What would happen if Alice never found away home? What is the last thing you see before the Cheshire Cat fades away? What piece of clothing does Alice fasten for the White Queen? If the Queen got a hold of Alice, what do you think she would do to her? If the White Rabbit never met Alice, would he still act nervous and shaky?
Alice is sitting outside and spots a white rabbit. He was staring at his watch saying “Oh dear, oh dear! I'm going to be late!” Then he plopped down a rabbit hole. Alice, being the curious girl she is, followed the rabbit down the hole. She found herself lost in a land with many wonders. As much as Alice thought it interesting and trying to get along with them, she wondered when she would return home to her normal life or if she ever would. Right before she was going to be beheaded by the Queen, she suddenly wakes up from the marvelous dream she had of Wonderland.