The Emperor Jones Costume Designs Maree Stedul
Emperor 1
Emperor feels important. Jacket covered in gold. Blood red jacket representing his past. Crocodile skin boots.
Old lady
Emperor 2
Chess board suit. Black and white – the reminder of who he is and who he wants to be.
A reflection of the Emperor. Black to represent the dark side of his being. Blood stain to represent his past.
Strong, silent character, neatly dressed, but always in black. The Emperor is the complete opposite. Dark skin and white clothing.
Emperor 3
Witch Doctor
Emperor Final Piece
All in white – wants the respect the ‘white man’ gets. Gold medals and accessories – showing his importance. The crown is a very obvious chain – links to his past and the chain gang. Crocodile skin boots.
Fears Final Piece
A ‘black’ version of the Emperor. The side of himself that he suppresses. The boots are ‘tap shoes’, as the fears walk at the back of the stage, they are the sound of the drum.