PSJA ISD Goals PSJA ISD History E-Rate History on PSJA ISD E-Rate Current – Region 1 E-Rate Current – PSJA ISD Recommendations
E-rate program Long-range technology plan “The district will implement and update a comprehensive technology plan with adequate funding plans to meet students learning needs though technology.”
PSJA ISD Statistics › Population › Schools › Three cities PSJA ISD expenses › $7,739 per pupil › 60% on instruction › 34% on support services › 6% on other elementary and secondary expenditures
Technology costs Funding › E-rate › Title 1 › Local funding Priority 1 Reconstruction
Projects PSJA ISD E-Rate Awards E-Rate 1 (1998) $2,326,990 E-Rate 2 (1999) $716,596 E-Rate 3 (2000) 1 Million E-Rate 4 (2001) 1 Million E-Rate 5 (2002) 1 Million E-Rate 6 (2003) 1 Million E-Rate 7 (2004) 1 Million E-Rate 8 (2005) NA E-Rate 9 (2006) NA E-Rate 10 (2007) $9,621,217 E-Rate 11 (2008) 1 Million
E-RATE Wireless at Elementary schools 2. Core switch upgrades E-RATE Not funded E-RATE Not funded E-RATE Voice-over-IP 2. Priority 1 Services E-RATE New Elementary School (Under construction) 2. Kennedy Middle School (COMPLETE) 3. Priority 1 services E-RATE Southwest High School (Under construction) 2. T-STEM Early College High School 3. Priority 1 Services E-RATE 2010 Proposed Projects for Round 13 are the following: 1. Priority 1 Services 2. Secondary Schools - Upgrade fiber backbone to 10Gbit 3. Secondary Schools - Switches, Routers, Wireless & UPS 4. Elementary Schools - Switches, Routers, Wireless & UPS 5. New Construction (2 Rebuilds - Ford & Farias Elementary, 5 New Elementaries, 1 Middle School)
PSJA ISD among other districts Top 3 schools Money Requested Figure 4 – Bar graph comparison › ding+plan+lilian+final.pdf ding+plan+lilian+final.pdf
Priority 1 Reconstruction Proposed Projects Pag9 - Graph +funding+plan+lilian+final.pdf +funding+plan+lilian+final.pdf
Growing changes Star chart Take the responsible role for the proper implementation of technology and technology resources in the district. Provide for training on the available technologies and resources since it oversees all aspects software and technology integration. The department will also administer the technology budgets for the district according to the long-range technology plan. Keep communication opened between teachers, administration and students to provide ongoing support during the process.
Provide financial and physical recourses to support instructional staff to effectively integrate technology into the curriculum. Form partnerships with other district departments in order to leverage funds and provide to all populations. Will focus on providing true technology training which will allow teachers to seamlessly utilize technology in the classroom. Work closely with content area coordinators to identify the TEKS that will facilitate the delivery of instruction in each content area. Web 2.0 applications will be carried out at the secondary level. Provide technology-integrated training that allows teachers to showcase the core content area curriculum via the use of technology.
PSJA ISD Website - E-Rate - t.aspx Star-Chart – TEA - lot/index.html