2 CAPS (College Access Program) Part of the Rural Community College Initiative funded by the Ford Foundation
ENMU-Roswell3 Description of the Institution Eastern New Mexico University- Roswell is a comprehensive, publicly supported community college located in rural Southeastern New Mexico It is operated under the authority of the parent campus, ENMU-Portales located 90 miles away.
ENMU-Roswell4 Description of the Institution (cont) The average enrollment is 4,000 each semester Over 50% of the student body is classified as economically disadvantaged Forty-eight percent of the student enrollment is Hispanic
ENMU-Roswell5 The Process: Modified MVA County Data Collection & Analysis Neighborhood Data Collection & Analysis Deciding on Goals & Strategies
ENMU-Roswell6 The Coach’s Role Promote Fair Process Share Perspectives Promote Feasibility Diplomatic Reminders Encourage Team
ENMU-Roswell7 Program Overview The CAP scholarship program provides yearly scholarships and mentoring support for every student completing the 5 th through 12th grades in selected Chaves County schools. One pilot school was chosen in 2004, and four will join the program in 2005.
ENMU-Roswell8 Addressing the Problem – Educational Access 50% of families in Chaves County have only a single parent 68% of children ages 0-18 in single parent families live at or below poverty level Of the 15 elementary schools in Chaves County, fourteen have 90% or higher qualification for free and reduced lunches
ENMU-Roswell9 Addressing the Problem– Educational Access 25% of Chaves County residents do not have a high school diploma. Only 16% of Chaves County residents have bachelor’s degrees or higher. The public school drop-out rate has not been measured accurately – it may be as high as 30% based on reduction in numbers of students from 9 th to 12 th grade.
ENMU-Roswell10 Project Goals Increase the retention rate for each cohort of students completing grade 5 and entering grade 6 by at least 10% over the baseline of students completing 6 th grade and entering the 7 th grade from 2003 to Provide career information and guidance for at least 60% of students in each cohort.
ENMU-Roswell11 Project Goals (cont) Involve at least 50 Chaves County agencies and businesses in the program by the end of year 3. Coordinate the mentoring program to insure that all similar programs in the County are involved as partners. Increase the percentage of Chaves County population with a college degree by 2% based on data from the 2010 census.
ENMU-Roswell12 Project Goals (cont) Reduce the percentage of adults over age 25 in Chaves County who have less than a high school diploma by 1% in 2010 census. Identify and assist parents with less than a high school diploma or college degree to achieve that goal.
ENMU-Roswell13 Description – Pilot School Sunset Elementary School located adjacent to the campus 97% of the student enrollment qualify for free and reduced lunches. 31% of the students are learning English as a second language 47 students graduated from the 5 th grade in May 2004 and entered the CAP program
ENMU-Roswell14 Description – CAP program ENMU-Roswell Foundation donated the initial funds and manages the funds for each student. Student must complete each grade satisfactorily to have the next year’s scholarship deposited in account Funds are awarded when student graduates from high school.
ENMU-Roswell15 Description – CAP Program Scholarship Use 1. Used for concurrent enrollment during high school. 2. May apply to tuition, fees, books, supplies, and tools at ENMU- Roswell. 3. Must be used within two years after graduation.
ENMU-Roswell16 Description – CAP Program Parent/Guardian Responsibility 1. Participate in an educational program designed to provide information about the value of investing for college. 2. Approve contact by mentor assigned to work with the student.
ENMU-Roswell17 Description – CAP Program ENMU-Roswell Foundation Responsibility 1. Maintain student accounts 2. Send yearly statement to the family 3. Assist in securing additional funds for added schools.
ENMU-Roswell18 Description – CAP Program School District Responsibility 1. Participate in Memoranda of Understanding. 2. Assist ENMU-Roswell staff in tracking students 3. Allow ENMU-Roswell staff and Foundation members to present short educational sessions for parents and students as they enter the program.
ENMU-Roswell19 Description – CAP Program ENMU-Roswell Responsibilities 1. Issue scholarships and data collection. 2. Coordinate student mentoring and guidance for students. 3. Coordinate student career exploration and support for school success.
ENMU-Roswell20 Description – CAP Program Student Responsibility GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL!
ENMU-Roswell21 Description Mentoring Program Components 1. Assure appropriate student uniforms and supplies for the year. 2. Assure student has appropriate immunizations and health issues addressed. 3. Provide information regarding career choices.
ENMU-Roswell22 Description Mentoring Program (cont) 4. Check on student 2-4 times yearly to assure success. 5. Link with appropriate school services as needed.
ENMU-Roswell23 Sam Martinez and Aldo
ENMU-Roswell24 Current Resources Over 30 staff and faculty who have volunteered to work with students. Commitment by the ENMU-Roswell Foundation to continually scholarship each 5 th grade graduating class from Sunset Elementary School through HS. Strong community support.
ENMU-Roswell25 Joe Peeples
ENMU-Roswell26 Evaluation Data collection including individual grade completion rates for each student in the program compared to schools and students without the program. Increase in high school graduation rates Increase in number of Chaves County high school graduates enrolling in ENMU- Roswell programs.
ENMU-Roswell27 Future Plans Secure new partners and individuals who will join the program. Develop employee payroll deduction program for the CAP program. Secure funding for coordination. Add at least four new elementary schools yearly until all schools in the County have the program.