Two Accountability Systems This Year NCLB AZ Learns Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Yes / No Excelling, Highly- Performing, Performing, Underperforming
Student Inclusion Criteria Inclusion Criteria AYPAZ LEARNS 30 Student Minimum Yes*Yes Include Exempt** ELL Students YesNo Include Out of Level Students YesNo Include Mobile Students No * AYP aggregates these students into larger totals ** Students in an ELL program for less than 4 years starting in 1 st grade
3 S/G = S/G = S/G = S/G = S/G = S/G = 0-77 Total School Points += 0 or 1 Points Up to 40% of Max Points + Total Baseline /Growth Points Points OR Adequate Yearly Progress MAP/Ext Writing Elem/Middle Dropout/ Grad Rates H. S. 1 to 6 Points for Each Subject/ Grade Level AZ LEARNS Revised Model
Changes to AZ LEARNS from 2002 Positive Changes Two-year baseline: will help school with a very high or low initial year 70/30 weighting: the higher of your baseline or growth is weighted 70% Mobile students excluded Added evidence (MAP/Ext. Writ) theoretically given more weight for elementary / middle schools Statutory language rewritten to allow for more excelling schools
Changes to AZ LEARNS from 2002 Negative Changes 70/30 weighting tends to flatten school differences, resulting in narrow cut score ranges “Added” evidence is in fact an integral part of cuts AYP—only 1 point regardless of # of Subject/Grades Exceeding threshold criteria needed to keep a “Highly Performing” or “Excelling” label are perhaps too rigorous
Interpreting Your Schools AZ-Learns Reports
AIMS Baseline /Growth Points for Each Subject/Grade School Designation Total Points Total Points Needed for Each Designation Exceeds Average Needed to Keep Highly Performing or Excelling Designations Added Evidence Over All School Designation
2 yr Baseline Mastery Rate 2yr Baseline FFB Rate Last 3yr FFB Rate Last 3yr Mastery Rate Total Growth Points Baseline Grouping Cuts Growth Grouping Cuts 70% / 30% Weighting 3rd Grade Reading
Total Points 3rd Grade Math
Total Points 3rd Grade Writing
3-yrs of OYG (Stanford 9) for Reading and Math 3-yrs of AIMS Extended Writing Scores 24 or Greater Total Added Evidence Points = 75% OYG + 25% Extended Writing Weighted Percentage Added Evidence Point Table Added Evidence
AIMS Baseline /Growth Points for Each Subject/Grade School Designation Total Points Total Points Needed for Each Designation Exceeds Average Needed to Keep Highly Performing or Excelling Designations Added Evidence Over All School Designation
Tucson Unified School District--Overall Excelling10 Highly Performing 11 Performing61 Underperforming12
AZ LEARNS—2 Year Comparison Designation Excelling1 10 Highly Performing / (Improving) Performing / (Maintaining) Underperforming Total10194* *Due to changes in the model, several smaller TUSD elementary schools did not receive ratings in 2003
AZ LEARNS—TUSD Talking Points 2/3 (14/21) of Underperforming schools in 2002 Performing in % decrease in Underperforming Schools 900% increase in Excelling Schools Only 2 schools which did not make AYP are Underperforming 7 Schools have two straight years of Underperforming
AZ-LEARNS Leading Education through Accountability and Results Notification System