Anglia Ruskin University: Delivering a Foundation Degree to develop managers across an East of England family business Jill Baldwin: Senior Lecturer Work Based Learning, Anglia Ruskin University Steve Sellick: Training Manager, Ridgeons Group Tom Taylor: Skills Development Consultant, Anglia Ruskin University
The largest privately owned timber and builders merchants in the country 800+ employees across 24 locations Based in Cambridge with primary focus in East of England 4 th generation of family involved in the business £100m+ turnover p.a. Ridgeon Group Ltd.
Timber and builders merchants Kitchens and bathrooms design Forest Products – timber processing and distribution Wholesale bathroom distributor Power tool specialist What do we do?
Why a Foundation Degree? Business facing many new challenges which need to be met with a better equipped management team Succession planning review identified high potentials as well as significant short term gaps Gap exists in development offering for existing managers and post-MDP participants Foundation Degree in Management (Work Based) represents an excellent fit for Ridgeons, providing a logical progression from our existing management development tools Map data ©2009 Tele Atlas - Terms of UseTerms of Use © 2009 Ridgeons Ltd &
FdA Management (Work Based) 2 years, full time Blend of workshops and self managed learning 12 days of workshops per year, on campus Started March 2010, cohort of 19 Open recruitment: students from a variety of positions across Ridgeons Vast majority of students have no previous HE experience
University Student Employer
Supporting the Employer Before the Course Teaching Supporting the Student What are the issues associated with delivering to Work Based Students?
Supporting the Employer Employer’s Handbook Regular progress meetings Before the Course pre course information application process course design Supporting the Student Student Handbook Learning partners resources for remote learners, VLE Teaching Work Based Project Employer involved in assessment Adapting teaching to learner Our responses to these issues:
What would we do differently? Analysis of skills gaps and address these e.g. presentation skills Learning partners 30 credit modules have an element of risk
Where next? New mixed cohorts Online FdA Management BA (hons) progression route Business’ evaluation