Preliminary Budget Update February 9, 2009
The Superintendent presented a preliminary budget on January 12. Aligned to district goals New initiatives for student achievement and staff development including: –Student learning –Technology initiatives –Professional staff Reallocation of funds from major cost drivers
Local taxes are the primary source of funding for local schools.
Budget reductions are required to minimize impact on taxpayers. Initiatives to contain key cost drivers Greater control over operation costs Across-the-board belt tightening Overall projected enrollment trends remain relatively flat; elementary increases
New initiatives are possible due to success in containing key cost drivers Special education tuition – “stem the flow” Building Maintenance – “seal the envelope” Energy – “mechanical upgrades” impacting 70% of heated space Operations – “efficiencies” Employee benefits – “staff incentive to opt- out”
Containing major costs results in reduced rate of increase in these areas.
Per pupil expenditures for operations are reduced and instruction increased.
Reallocation of resources continues a legacy of excellence. No cuts in music, arts, athletics, fitness, enrichment or high-end classes No changes to class size policy Continued high graduation standards at CHS No reduction in student support services Continued support for Alternative Program
What are the proposed new initiatives? Full-day kindergarten in two phases Phase I: $1,100,000 separate proposal Phase II: and beyond –4 additional classrooms –Approximately $400,000 in additional operating
What are the proposed new initiatives? A commitment to student learning: –Additional staff to maintain class size at elementary schools (7 teachers, $695,600) –Additional step-up classes for students to advance levels ($40,000) –Increase library services at CHS/Montrose (.4 fte, $28,600) –Additional teacher for health education at middle schools (1 fte, $85,800) –Additional math teacher at CHS (1 fte, $85,800)
K-5 Enrollment Projections require adding teachers to maintain class size
What are the proposed new initiatives? Initiate Long-Range Technology Plan –Technology studios and classes in middle schools to replace home economics program ($432,000) –Web-based student learning management system ($225,000) –Wireless infrastructure in secondary buildings ($513,000) –Begin conversion to multi-media model classrooms ($210,000) –K-2 Assessment System ($31,000) – Across-the-board reduction in materials to encourage reduction in reliance on hard materials
What are the proposed new initiatives? Support for Professional Staff –Continue implementation of recommendations of ELA audit –Initiate math audit –Content expert support – add Elementary Math Specialist (+$85,800) –Elementary Assistant Principals (+$105,000 net)
What next? The Budget calendar is revised to meet NJDOE schedule. Mon, Feb 9BOE consider preliminary budget Tues, Mar 10Governor’s Budget Address Thur, Mar 12 State Aid notices Mon, Mar 16BOE adopt proposed budget to be submitted to ECS for approval and BSE for funding Thur, Mar 19Advertise budget and notice Public Hearing Wed, Mar 25BOE/BSE workshop to establish understanding of proposed budget Mon, Mar 30 BSE Public Hearing/action to levy school tax Mon, Apr 20BOE adopt budget and action by BSE Tues, Apr 21BOE Elections Mon, May 4BOE Reorganization