San Leandro Unified School Board Looking Closely About Our Data September 6, 2006 Presented by Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prepared by Daniel Chaja, Assistant Director of Research and Program Evaluation
California Standards Test (CST)
2006 CSTs Content AreaGrades ELA Grade-levels 2 through 11 Grade-level Writing 4 & 7 Math Grade-levels 2 through 7 End-of-year Courses 8 through 11 Social SciencesGrade-levels 8, 10, 11 Science Grade-levels 5, 8, 10, 11 End-of-year Courses 9 through 11
ELA & Math CSTs By Ethnicity
SUB- GROUP 2 nd ‘05 2 nd ‘06 3 rd ‘05 3 rd ‘06 4 th ‘05 4 th ‘06 5 th ‘05 5 th ‘06 6 th ‘05 6 th ‘06 OVERALL Asian Filipino Hispanic / Latino African American White Special Ed English Learners SED ELA CST PERCENT PROFICIENT OR ABOVE
SUB- GROUP 7 th ‘05 7 th ‘06 8 th ‘05 8 th ‘06 9 th ‘05 9 th ‘06 10 th ‘05 10 th ‘06 11 th ‘05 11 th ‘06 OVERALL Asian Filipino Hispanic / Latino African American White Special Ed English Learners SED ELA CST PERCENT PROFICIENT OR ABOVE
SUB- GROUP 2 nd ‘05 2 nd ‘06 3 rd ‘05 3 rd ‘06 4 th ‘05 4 th ‘06 5 th ‘05 5 th ‘06 6 th ‘05 6 th ‘06 7 th ‘05 7 th ‘06 OVERALL Asian Filipino Hispanic / Latino African American White Special Ed English Learners SED Math CST Percent PROFICIENT OR ABOVE
Academic Performance Index (API) Measures performance & progress based on results from statewide tests at grades 2-12 Statewide tests include: Numeric index from 200 to 1000 API cycle includes API Base & API Growth API Growth Target established as 5% of difference between API Base and 800
SLUSD API Results Reported by District, School and Subgroup ( API Cycle)
Comparative API Data Over a 4-Year Period Alameda County School Districts and High Schools
Student Subgroup API Growth Targets Since 1999 API Growth Targets for numerically significant subgroups was 80 percent of the schoolwide target Beginning with the API Cycle calculations for numerically significant subgroups will parallel schoolwide target calculations
API By Student Subgroups African American Hispanic/Latino EL Hispanic/Latino
Subgroup Percentage of Overall Student Population
API Subgroup Data: African American and Hispanic/Latino Students
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Must meet annual targets that increase over time Goal is 100% of students proficient in ELA and mathematics by Annual determination for schools and LEAs Requirements: Federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires states to reports results of each public school and school district
AYP Components
Participation rate –Up to 11 different student subgroups –Two content areas –22 ways Percent proficient –Up to 11 different student subgroups –Two content areas –22 ways API High school graduation rate AYP Components
ELAMath Elementary and Middle Schools 24.4%26.5% High Schools22.3%20.9% Percent Proficient Targets
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Percent Proficient ELA Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and Elementary School Districts
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Percent Proficient ELA High Schools and High School Districts
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Percent Proficient Math Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and Elementary School Districts
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Percent Proficient Math High Schools and High School Districts
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs)
AMAOs for English Learners (ELs) Performance objectives or targets that all school districts receiving Title III funds must meet Must meet all three AMAOs Two English language proficiency AMAOs calculated from the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) One academic achievement AMAO based on AYP information
AMAO 1 Percent Making Annual Progress in Learning English (CELDT Assessment) SLUSD (57.5%)
AMAO 2 Percent Attaining English Proficiency (CELDT Assessment) SLUSD (37%)
AMAO 3 ELA Meeting AYP Requirements for the EL Subgroup at the District Level (CST, CAPA, CAHSEE Assessments) SLUSD (35%)
AMAO 3 Math Meeting AYP Requirements for the EL Subgroup at the District Level (CST, CAPA, CAHSEE Assessments) SLUSD (45%)
Program Improvement (PI) Applies only to schools and school districts that receive federal Title I funds Status assigned only if AYP targets were not met for 2 consecutive years within specific areas Must implement additional federal requirements Exiting PI status requires meeting AYP for 2 consecutive years
San Leandro Unified School District AYP
California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)
California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) Aims to significantly improve pupil achievement in public high schools Ensures that pupils who graduate from public high schools can demonstrate grade level competency in reading, writing, and mathematics Helps identify students who are not developing skills that are essential for life after high school Encourages districts to give these students the attention and resources needed to help them achieve these skills during their high school years Is used in determining AYP (participation rate – grade 10 and graduation rate)
Student Suspensions & Expulsions
Percent of Students Suspended One or More Times vs. Percent of Student Population by Ethnicity for the District and for Each School During the School Year Note: Schools not depicted had no suspensions
The End