Department of Curriculum & Instruction February 17, 2009 Dr. Cavazos, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Bea Garcia, Elementary Curriculum & Instruction Administrator Sharon Moore, Secondary Curriculum & Instruction Administrator
BROAD Award A.Years Included in Study 1
Broad Prize Recognition Brownsville ISD is the recipient of the 2008 Broad Prize for Urban Education. Student Performance Data
BROAD Award B.Specific findings published by the Broad Foundation which formed their basis to award said prize to our district 3
Broad Prize Recognition The Committee evaluated: District’s policies and practices based on site visits Interviews with administrators, teachers, principals, parents, community leaders, school board members Teacher Associations Classroom observations 4
Broad Prize Recognition Among the reasons Brownsville stood out among large urban school districts: Outperforming other similar Texas districts. Greater improvement by ethnic and income subgroups. Closing achievement gaps. Strong district-wide policies and practices. 5
Greater improvement by ethnic and income subgroups. BISD : Ethnic & Income Subgroups Brownsville’s low-income students also showed greater improvement than their peers in similar Texas districts in Math at all grade levels Brownsville’s low-income students also showed greater improvement than their peers in similar Texas districts in Elementary and High School Reading Brownsville surpassed the state average in raising the percentage of Hispanic and low-income students who achieved Math proficiency at all grade levels and in Elementary and High School reading proficiency 6
Outperforming other similar Texas districts. BISD : Outperformed Other Texas Districts Brownsville outperformed other Texas districts serving students with similar income levels in Reading and Math at all grade levels. Brownsville’s Hispanic and low-income students outperformed their peers in similar districts in Reading and Math at all grade levels. 7
Broad Prize Recognition Closing achievement gaps between Strong district-wide policies and practices District reduced the gap between Hispanic students and the state average for white students by 12 percentage points in Middle School Math District reduced the gap between low-income students and Texas’ non-low-income student average by nine percentage points in High School Reading Strategic, district-wide approach puts student needs first Offering students a challenging curriculum and a range of enrichment opportunities Effective fiscal practices, directs funds to the classroom, continuously reviews and updates its curriculum and holds all staff accountable for results. 8
BROAD Award C.Instructional, Curriculum and Management Strategies used by the District during the years included in the study 9
Strategies Instruction was guided by district and teacher developed curriculum frameworks which include the state standards (TEKS) in a designated Scope and Sequence Campus administration monitored classroom instruction by walk-throughs, as well as using formative and summative data to make curriculum decisions Benchmark tests were primarily campus driven; however the district assisted in the process by purchasing test item banks for school use Recommended district level benchmark tests, aligned to the scope and sequence were available to the campuses. Campus and district results were available for diagnostic and prescriptive purposes District and campus data was disaggregated AEIS-IT software was available as a management tool at both the district and campus levels Management Strategies 10
District petitioned the Texas Education Agency for approval of district wide staff development days The district-wide staff development days allowed for consistent, targeted instructional program training in content areas The implementation of the Three-Tier Reading Model (Reading First) at 23 elementary campuses funded by the grant. Three campuses were locally funded. Grant funding was based on TAKS Reading scores Program implementation monitored by Reading Technical Assistants (RTAs) funded by the grant, campus administration, the Reading First Director and Campus Reading Coaches Science training emphasized inquiry-based instruction to support the implementation of the K-12 science program Implementation monitored by Science Specialists and National Science Foundation Science Mentors Strategies Management Strategies 11
Curriculum Specialists supported instruction at the campuses Curriculum Specialists were assigned to work with either Elementary or Secondary grade levels Professional development activities were varied and on- going to support instruction. District Campus The Curriculum and Instruction Department developed, organized, and executed the professional development provided for each content area District campuses were organized into five feeder patterns Organization allowed for both vertical and horizontal alignment for instructional support, feeder patterns, and when possible neighborhood campuses Strategies Management Strategies 12
Program implementation was monitored by Bilingual Education staff and campus administration Secondary English as a Second Language (ESL) Program, Newcomer Courses for recent immigrants, and ESL Modules for new teachers targeted language development Strategies Management Strategies District wide PK-5 Bilingual Education Transitional Model and Success Through Language Literacy (SAILL) project targeted language development at thirteen elementary schools Program implementation was monitored by Bilingual Education staff and campus administration Support for the testing program for the High Schools Testing Coordinators were placed at the High Schools to assist in the organization of all district and state mandated testing 13
BROAD Award D.How the findings published by the BROAD Foundation compare to the District’s current numbers 14
Broad Prize – District Data 15
BROAD Award E.Change of the Instructional, Curriculum and Management Strategies used by the District today 16
Strategies The CSCOPE curriculum guides instruction of K-8 Math and Science YearArea K-5 Math K-8 Math and K-8 Science The Curriculum and Instruction Department has provided additional funding to support the implementation of the curriculum. Specialists provide support in the implementation of CSCOPE Math and Science as well as training for the K-12 CSCOPE Math and Science implementation in Management Strategies District developed frameworks for English Language Arts and Social Studies which incorporate the current state mandated TEKS K-12 CSCOPE ELA/SLA (Elementary) and Social Studies preparation has been on-going during the school year 17
Strategies Pearson Benchmark software purchased to assist in the disaggregation of district and campus data. AEIS-IT is still available as a disaggregation resource Management Strategies Results are analyzed and disaggregated at all levels and are available online to campus administrators and teachers within 24 hours District wide Staff Development activities occur primarily after-school and on Saturdays to avoid interruptions to the instructional program Attendance at training activities, department chair meetings, etc. are monitored by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Area Assistant Superintendents 18
Reading First Coaches are at all Elementary campuses – 23 coaches’ salaries paid by the grant and 10 paid by categorical funds Campus Administration and Reading First Staff monitor the implementation of the Three Tier Reading Model The 5E Lesson Model supports the inquiry-based learning implemented in the CSCOPE curriculum for all disciplines Campus administration and curriculum specialists monitor the implementation of the CSCOPE curriculum via the use of the 5E Lesson Model with a district developed walk-through form Strategies Management Strategies Specialists have increased to allow one per cluster in the areas of English Language Arts, Math and Science. A PK-12 Social Studies Specialist is available for support Curriculum Specialists support instruction at the campuses 19
The Department of Professional Development takes an active role in assisting Curriculum and Instruction Specialists in coordinating district level content training Professional development activities are varied and on- going to support instruction and are also focused on providing intensive training for campus principals and campus leadership teams Strategies Management Strategies PK-5 Bilingual Education transitional modules and professional development opportunities target language development and acquisition in sheltered instruction. Implementation is monitored by Bilingual Education Staff and campus administration. 20
ESL Programs at the Middle Schools and High Schools include the following: Promoting Academic Language Learning Academy (PALL) at Cummings Middle School and each high school; Language Learners at UT Center for Hispanic Achievement (LUCHA) at each high school, Texas Adolescent Literacy Academy for Grade 6 teachers (TALA) The implementation is monitored by the Bilingual Administrator, Bilingual/ESL Specialists, Bilingual/ESL Lead Teachers, ESL Counselor and campus administration. TALA content training was provided by the Curriculum and Instruction Specialists Strategies Management Strategies District support has increased for At-Risk Population with the goal to reduce the dropout rate and increase student graduation and completion rate Communities-in-Schools Case Managers and Probation Officers at each high school work with the Drop Out Specialist to support the At- Risk Student Populations 21
One Elementary and one Secondary Administrator for Curriculum and Instruction are available to support Curriculum and Instruction at all levels Monitoring the implementation at all levels promotes a coherent vertical alignment at all levels by working and communicating with Assistant Superintendents, Principals, Support Services and Program Administrators. These administrators oversee Curriculum and Instruction Specialists in all disciplines Strategies Management Strategies One Early Childhood Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction Department works closely with early grades to ensure program implementation Monitors the PK – 2 nd grade program implementation as well as Head Starts with School Readiness Integration (SRI) Teachers 22
Assistant Superintendents’ Curriculum and Instruction meetings are held with Assistant Superintendent on a weekly basis for the purpose of discussing curriculum and instruction topics Opportunities for Assistant Superintendents to review curriculum recommendations, provide feedback Strategies Management Strategies Enhanced support for Curriculum and Instruction with Support Services: Special Services, Fine Arts, Advanced Academics, Career and Technology Monitoring by Support Services ensures that all students are being serviced through Curriculum and Instruction 23