1 E-Rate for California
2 List of Acronyms ATO – Authorization to Order BEN – Billed Entity Number CIPA – Children's Internet Protection Act CALNET 2 – State Master Contract for Telecommunication Services DTS – Department of Technology Services EETT – Enhancing Education Through Technology FCDL – Funding Commitment Decision Letter FRN – Funding Request Number SPIN – Service Provider Identification Number SSD – Service Start Date RAL – Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (Form 471) RNL – Receipt Notification Letter (Form 470) NSLP – National School Lunch Program NIF – Non-Instructional Facility PIA – Program Integrity Assurance USAC Link:
3 Who Administers the E-rate Program? The federal E-rate program is overseen by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and is administered by the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)
4 How is USAC related to the FCC? Comprehensive information about the E-Rate program is available at the SLD website: USAC is a not-for-profit corporation appointed by the FCC to act as the administrator of the E- Rate program
5 The California Department of Education (CDE) does not administer the federal E-Rate program. CDE has no statutory authority to administer the federal E-Rate program CDE only provides general information about the E- Rate program including: training and outreach, reference materials, and other publicly available SLD/USAC resources
6 Eligibility - Schools Elementary or Secondary education as defined by Education Act, Elementary Act and State Laws (Includes private schools, religious schools, and charter schools) Must be non-profit Must not have endowment exceeding $50 million
7 Pre-K and Adult Ed State law, in conjunction with E-Rate rules, determines eligibility of Pre-K, Adult Ed and Juvenile Justice. In California, all three are eligible traditional-k-12/k-12-eligibility-table.aspxhttp:// traditional-k-12/k-12-eligibility-table.aspx
8 Eligibility - Libraries Eligible for assistance from a state library administrative agency under Library Services and Technology Act Budget is completely separate from that of any schools Must be operating as non-profit
9 Eligibility - Consortia Eligible Schools or Libraries may form a consortia with –Other eligible schools and/or libraries –Certain health care providers –Public sector (governmental) entities Only eligible entities can receive discounts
10 Entity Numbers Billed Entity Number - BEN – dEntitySearch_Public.asphttp:// dEntitySearch_Public.asp Service Provider Identification Number – N_Contact_Search.asphttp:// N_Contact_Search.asp
11 Funding Commitment Process 1.E-rate Technology Planning – What are my goals? 2.Form Starting the Application Process 3.Competitive Bidding 4.Form 471 – Selecting Your Vendors 5.PIA (Program Integrity Assurance) Review 6.Funding Commitment 7.Form 486 Receipt of Services Confirmation 8.Form 472 – BEAR and Form 474 – SPI – Invoicing “Getting the Money”
12 E-Rate Cycle Funding Year is July 1 – June 30 Funding commitments are made by funding year (services starting on or after July 1 and ending on or before the following June 30) The Window –Form 471 application window –Opens mid to late fall and closes late January to early February