2009 H1N1 Influenza A Outbreak in Kansas Michael McNulty Operations Director, Bureau of Public Health Preparedness Kansas Department of Health & Environment
Influenza Activity Update as of November 28, 2009 The week ending November 28, 2009 marks the 1st week in over 3 months that overall flu activity has decreased to a expected normal level for the time of year Approximately 2/3 of all lab-confirmed H1N1 cases in KS have occurred in those under 25 years old and younger Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Influenza Activity Update as of November 28, deaths due to H1N1 have been confirmed & reported in Kansas 19 of the 21 deaths have occurred among persons under the age of 65 More than 25% of those who have died did not have previously identified risk factors to increase the risk of death from influenza Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Descriptive Epidemiology of Kansas Health & Environmental Laboratory-Confirmed H1N1 Cases Median Age (Years) – 19.0 Age Range (Years) <1 to 90 Percent (%) by Age Group: <5 years (16) 5 to 24 years (46) 25 to 49 years (22) 50 to 64 years (12) 65+ years (4) Percent (%) Male (46) Percent (%) Died (1) Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Influenza Activity Update as of November 28, 2009 For the week ending Nov 28, 86 of 132 hospitals (65%) reported 174 patients were admitted for pneumonia or influenza The statewide rate of hospital admissions per 100 bed days decreased by almost 50% to Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
School Absenteeism Update as of November 28, 2009 Statewide school absenteeism percentages continued to decrease However, increases in school absenteeism were reported for: –Middle schools in the northwest and north central regions –Elementary schools in the northeast region Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
School Absenteeism (Surveillance Conducted via Health Departments) Week Ending November 28, 2009 Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
N95 Respirators CDC Infection Control Guidance for H1N1 –Hierarchy of controls –Prioritized respirator use mode OSHA statement of October 14, 2009 –“Good faith effort” to acquire respirators –Must implement hierarchy of controls Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
State Antiviral Medication Sites State-supplied antiviral medications are available at 111 participating retail pharmacies statewide, with more pharmacies recruited to participate These pharmacies will provide state-supplied antiviral medications by prescription only for persons who are uninsured and/or unable to pay their share of the medication’s cost There will be no cost for people who are uninsured and/or unable to afford the cost of the medication Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
State Antiviral Medication Sites If patients are able to pay $5.00, pharmacies may collect that amount as an administration fee for each antiviral prescription filled A map of participating commercial pharmacies is available at KDHE is currently planning distribution to hospitals that have contracted with KDHE and completed KS-CRA agreements Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Statewide H1N1 Vaccine Availability The H1N1 vaccine supply continues to increase As of November 20, 54.1 million doses of H1N1 vaccine were available nationally (about 23 percent is nasal spray); 490,900 doses were available in Kansas As of November 20, 202,809 doses were reported as administered in Kansas Details about public clinics are available at Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
H1N1 Public Communication Efforts Public service announcements (PSAs) on prevention & vaccination are airing on statewide radio and TV stations H1N1 movie theater advertisements are airing statewide New PSA featuring KSU Football Coach Bill Snyder will be launched in December KDHE is increasing the use of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for public communication about H1N1 prevention & vaccination Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments