Mortgage Fraud and Predatory Lending
HUD Brochure oanfraudbroc.pdfhttp:// oanfraudbroc.pdf
Predatory Lending Deception, fraud Manipulating borrowers through aggressive sales tactics Taking unfair advantage of borrowers Loan terms that are abusive Occurs primarily in the subprime lending market
Predatory Lending--Practices Loan flipping Asset flipping Excessive fees or packing Lending without regard for ability to repay Loan terms that are abusive Collusion among players in the market
Predatory Lending--Examples Misrepresenting loan terms Encouraging borrowers to misrepresent income, etc. Providing borrowers equity from the seller
Predatory Lending Best defenses – education of borrowers – making sure all transactions are arms length –creating a competitive climate in your program –education/ awareness of program managers