Implementing TPP: lessons learned in the Netherlands Mark van Benthem, Probos / IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative
Content 1.Dutch TPP & goals 2.Achievements 3.Key unlocking moves 4.Challenges: 1.NL 2.EU 5.EU STTC © Mark van Benthem, Probos
Dutch TPP & goals What is sustainable? Timber products that meet Dutch Timber Procurement Criteria –Timber Procurement Assessment System (TPAS); –Assessment of certification systems by Timber Procurement Assessmment Committee (TPAC) –TPAC: experts representing different interests (3 P’s)
Dutch TPP & goals Systems accepted within NL TPP (10/6/13) : –FSC & PEFC (except MTCS) © Mark van Benthem, Probos
Dutch TPP & goals Governmental targets: as of 2010: –Central governement 100%; –Provinces and Waterboard districts 50% (100% in 2015); –Local authorities 75% (100% in 2015) Goals within framework biodiversity policy: –In % of all (primary) timber products on NL market sourced from SFM
Achievements % of ‘TPAC proof’ timber products in governmental contracts: –Criteria in contracts: to a large extent –SFM timber in projects: to a lesser extent Market: 50 % sustainable produced timber in 2011 –2011: 65,7% (Probos, 2013) –2008: 33,8% (Probos, 2010) –2005: 13,3% (Probos, 2006)
Key unlocking moves Public pressure Development of TPP Raising awareness (Helpdesk, updates, etc) & training Private sector commitment (NTTA, GD, etc.) Monitoring of progress Development of tools: –Standard contract clauses –Online wood database ( –Etc.
Main challenges NL 1)Use of legally sound contract provisions 2)Check whether contracts are met 3)Does NL policy meet EU policy? 4)What to do with FLEGT-licensed timber in TPP? ( 5. Continuity in communication)
Challenges EU 1)Lack of a common EU framework Lack of common framework leads to: 1)confusion for public tenders 2)confusion in timber producing countries © Mark van Benthem, Probos
Challenges EU In EU: UK, DK, NL, BE, GER, FR have TPP Policies, content varies per country Other EU countries are in the process or have criteria for some categories (IT, SP, SW, PL, FI) Timber PP Policies In process or limited scope
Challenges EU 2)Relatively few MS have TPP; TPP policies => driver for SFM: a.PAs spend app. 19% of the EU’s GDP (EC, 2011) b.20-40% private investments depend on public choices c.Influence private market => H owever buying power EU decreases
Consumption of tropical sawnwood and tropical plywood (EU27) From 2000 to 2011 (in m³ product total and 5 year averages) (source: JFSQ database for and Eurostat for 2011, adjusted by Probos)
Imports of tropical sawnwood by 8 EU MS Decreasing EU imports of tropical timber Compiled by Probos, 2013
Growth of the Middle Classes Global Middle Class for 2009 & prediction for 2030 Source: OECD, Standard Chartered Research
Shared ambition of key players in the EU: To accelerate demand for certified or licensed timber from sustainably managed tropical forests to the tipping point of 30% and to put to a halt to declining use of tropical timber in the EU, through bundling demand and creating synergies between legality and sustainability efforts.
EU STTC as source of support for realizing individual and combined ambitions EU STTC provides a platform for cooperation, sharing knowledge and experiences, providing practical tools and strategies. Working groups on various topics: –Promoting tropical timber on the EU market; –Legality and sustainability; –PR and communication; –Business encounters; –Technical issues. Co-funded services on various topics for companies & authorities joining the STTC: –Communication: PR, materials, etc. –Networking: learning and business encounters. –Technical support: consultancy and training.
Mapping of available tools for developing and implementing TPP
Get informed - Spot the opportunities - Join the coalition Mark van Benthem Anne van Steenoven (potential) Lead partners: ICLEI, COPADE, ETTF, FSC International, PEFC International, GIZ, ATIBT, etc.
Sustainable produced timber, you find it here!
200 timberspecies and panelboards, connected with: - availability with certificate (TPAC-proof = meets the Dutch procurement criteria for sustainable produced timber ) - their uses (incl. demonstration projects); - suppliers (TPAC, CoC) 3 points of entry: 1) housing; 2) waterworks; 3) boards
70 species (TPAC) e.g. wood for waterworks Only TPAC proof timber
Extended search options (for waterworks): 1)uses (15, conform NPR 5493 ) 2)Physical and mechanical properties (7 categories, 22 subcategories)
e.g. use: Sheetpile wall
50 timber species (TPAC proof), suitable for Sheetpile walls
e.g. Iroko: technical timber properties and availability with certificate
Uses of Iroko in waterworks, incl. demonstration projects
Suppliers (TPAC CoC)
Sustainable produced timber, you find it here!
(Global) developments 1.Economic crises in Europe ‒ Collapse construction sector 2.EUTR (and simular legislation in other environmentally consciouness countries) © Mark van Benthem, Probos
Impact Lacey Act Development wooden furniture exports by China to the US and countries without legal wood legislation Source: Ivan Eastin, Centre for international trade in forest products, 2012
(Global) developments 3.Emerging economies (BRICS) Domestic consumption of primary forest products in major consumer countries in 2011 Source: European Forest Institute
Growth of the Middle Classes Global Middle Class for 2009 & prediction for 2030 Source: OECD, Standard Chartered Research
(Global) developments 4.Image of tropical timber: switch to substitutes © Mark van Benthem, Probos ©
(Global) developments 5.Fashion © Mark van Benthem, Probos