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1 In ONE FISH, TWO FISH, RED FISH, BLUE FISH, Ned does not like
1 His little bed Home
2 How many stripes are on The Cat in the Hat's hat?
2 5
3 What does The Cat in the Hat eat in the bathtub?
3 Cake
4 What color is the Lorax?
4 Brown
5 Where did the fish end up after The Cat in the Hat fell?
5 The teapot
6 According to the story, why did the Grinch hate Christmas?
6 His heart was too small
7 Who wants the cat in the hat to go away?
7 The fish
8 What do Thing One and Thing Two like to play with?
8 Kites
9 What happens to Fox in Sox at the end of the story?
9 He is pushed into the bottle by Knox.