2010 LPSS Accountability Results November 3, 2010
District Graduation Rates 2
Spring 2010 Graduation Rates 2010 Graduation Rates are preliminary; districts have not yet reviewed the data Grad Rates in the state ranged from 46.0% (Iberville Parish) to 89.8% (Orleans Parish). In our immediate area, they range from 55.4% in Evangeline Parish to 81.0% in Vermilion Parish (ranked 10 th in state). 3
Since the first Grad Rate calculations (spring 2006), Lafayette has improved 4.1%, with the state as a whole improving 2.6%. Local and State Graduation Rates District (Preliminary) Vermilion Parish81.0 Iberia Parish76.4 St. Martin Parish72.3 Lafayette Parish70.4 Acadia Parish67.9 St. Landry Parish63.6 Evangeline Parish55.4 Louisiana67.4 Lafayette ranks 4 th among the 7 Acadiana area districts and 33 rd when compared to all districts in the state (69). 4
District Graduation Rates District Name (Preliminary) Calcasieu Parish78.5 St. Tammany Parish76.7 Bossier Parish75.9 Ascension Parish75.4 Livingston Parish73.6 Lafayette Parish70.4 Ouachita Parish68.5 Tangipahoa Parish67.6 Rapides Parish67.5 Terrebonne Parish65.7 Jefferson Parish61.7 East Baton Rouge Parish60.0 Caddo Parish58.0 The Graduation Rate in Lafayette was 6 th among the 13 Louisiana districts enrolling more than 15,000 students. 5
6 District Graduation Rates District Name (Preliminary) Sabine Parish81.2 Iberia Parish76.4 St. Martin Parish72.3 Lafayette Parish70.4 Tangipahoa Parish67.6 Rapides Parish67.5 St. Mary Parish68.7 Webster Parish68.7 Assumption Parish58.0 Union Parish56.2 Avoyelles Parish52.6 Lafayette ranks 4th when considering the 11 districts with similar minority percentages (44.0% to 52.0% - Lafayette is 48.5%)
Using Free/Reduced lunch percentages for comparison, Lafayette ranks 10 th out of 11 for those with from 54.0 to 62.0% (Laf. – 58.6) 7 District Graduation Rates District Name (Preliminary) Jefferson Davis Parish85.3 Vermilion Parish81.0 Vernon Parish79.0 Calcasieu Parish78.5 Plaquemines Parish75.5 Jackson Parish73.3 Lincoln Parish73.0 Lafourche Parish72.3 LaSalle Parish71.7 Lafayette Parish70.4 Ouachita Parish68.5
District Performance Scores
2010 District Performance Scores in the state ranged from 57.3 (St. Helena Parish) to (Zachary Community School District) Lafayette ranked 23 rd out of 69, and was among 44 districts to show improvement 9
10 Lafayette ranks 2nd among the 7 Acadiana area districts, as in District Performance Scores District2009 DPS2010 DPS Vermilion Parish Lafayette Parish Iberia Parish Evangeline Parish Acadia Parish St. Landry Parish St. Martin Parish
Lafayette’s DPS was 6 th among the 13 Louisiana districts enrolling more than 15,000 students for the second consecutive year District Performance Scores District2009 DPS2010 DPS St. Tammany Parish Livingston Parish Ascension Parish Ouachita Parish Calcasieu Parish Bossier Parish Lafayette Parish Rapides Parish Terrebonne Parish Tangipahoa Parish Caddo Parish Jefferson Parish East Baton Rouge Parish
2010 District Performance Scores District2010 DPS Sabine Parish98.6 Lafayette Parish96.5 Iberia Parish95.1 St. Mary Parish94.3 Rapides Parish93.8 Tangipahoa Parish88.1 St. Martin Parish87.3 Webster Parish85.0 Assumption Parish84.5 Union Parish81.2 Avoyelles Parish77.8 Lafayette ranks 2 nd when considering the 11 districts with similar minority enrollment
Lafayette ranks 9 th out of 11 for those with from 54.0 to 62.0% Economically Disadvantaged Students District Performance Scores District2010 dps Vernon Parish108.6 Jefferson Davis Parish107.3 Plaquemines Parish104.1 Ouachita Parish102.8 Calcasieu Parish101.9 Vermilion Parish100.5 LaSalle Parish100.4 Lincoln Parish98.0 Lafayette Parish96.5 Lafourche Parish94.4 Jackson Parish91.8
School Performance Scores 14
The Louisiana Accountability System calculates 2 scores to evaluate schools. Baseline School Performance Scores that determine schools’ Performance Labels (status). Growth Scores that compare to the previous year’s Baselines and decide Growth Labels (improvement). 15
Improvement – Growth Scores 16
16 met their growth targets, indicating they are on track or ahead of schedule to meet the state’s 2014 goal of an SPS of School Baseline SPS Goal SPS Growth SPS Achieved Growth Target Woodvale Elementary School Yes Broadmoor Elementary School Yes Ernest Gallet Elementary School Yes Milton Elementary School Yes Green T. Lindon Elementary School Yes Plantation Elementary School Yes L. Leo Judice Elementary School Yes Edgar Martin Middle School Yes Prairie Elementary School Yes J. Wallace James Elementary School Yes Youngsville Middle School Yes Myrtle Place Elementary School Yes Ridge Elementary School Yes Broussard Middle School Yes O. Comeaux High School Yes Lafayette Middle School Yes
30 of Lafayette’s 38 schools with growth scores showed at least some improvement. 4 schools had scores that dropped less than 1.0 point and will receive the label “no growth.” 4 schools are labeled “School in Decline.” 18
Performance Scores and Labels 19
6 schools in the districts have exceeded the 2014 SPS goal of and are labeled 4-Star Schools. The Early College Academy received its first SPS this fall. It enters accountability as one of these 4 Star Schools. Lafayette enrolls 4.4% of Louisiana’s K-12 students but has 11% of the state’s 4 Star Schools. 20 School Baseline SPS Performance Label Woodvale Elementary School Stars Broadmoor Elementary School Stars* Paul Breaux Middle School Stars Green T. Lindon Elementary School Stars* Milton Elementary School Stars* Early College Academy Stars*
21 Improved Performance Labels Katharine Drexel Elementary School3 Stars L. Leo Judice Elementary School3 Stars Lafayette Middle School2 Stars Myrtle Place Elementary School3 Stars An additional 4 schools improved their Performance Label by 1 star rating. Performance Labels Baseline SPSLabelNumber in LPSS or higher5 Star Star Star Star Star Academic Watch Academically Unacceptable 1
Since 2005, schools with performance scores less than 60.0 have been considered Academically Unacceptable Schools. That standard moves to 65.0 in fall 2011 and 75.0 in fall Schools with scores below 75.0 in 2010 are labeled “Academic Watch.” LPSS has 3 “Watch” schools and all have exceeded 65.0 with 2010 scores. 22
New federal regulations and Louisiana law will cause high school scores to shift over the next 4 years ( ). High school results will also be impacted by 9 th grade iLEAP being discontinued in 2010 and the transition from GEE to End of Course Exams. All schools will see scores swing sometime between 2013 and 2015 as the “common assessments” are adopted. 23