RAD-All the Latest News! Texas Housing Conference July 28-30, 2014 Hilton Hotel Austin, TX
Presenters Moderator Terri Anderson, Anderson Capital Panel Members Jerry Anderson, Gill Group Elizabeth Arteaga, HUD Barry Palmer, Coats | Rose Deborah Van Amerongen, Nixon Peabody
RAD Update What’s happening now? Jerry R. Anderson
1. Current Unit Cap vs. Proposed Unit Cap 2. What is happening with current “waiting list” applications 3. Current Closing projections 4. Program Improvements
RAD Cap 60,000 vs. 180,000/185,000 What is the status?
What will HUD do for waiting list applicants? Continue to work with Congress to lift the unit cap Complete reviews of RAD applications – expect most reviews will be completed within 30 days, the rest in 60 days Issue conditional approvals pending the lifting of the unit cap Provide technical assistance for applicants to help prepare to make transactions go smoothly If and when CHAPs are withdrawn/revoked, pull projects from wait list – small number to date
What waiting list PHAs can do! Submit more applications! Study PIH Notice REV 1 Training Materials Talk with your peers Communicate with residents Procure a RAD PCA Refine your proposal Compile your development team Amend your Annual Plan
Current Closing Projections
Program Improvements LIHTC Fast Tracking Fast Track checklist and instructions just posted on RAD Resource Desk Streamlined submission requirements Compresses milestones to one deadline 60 days after award/approval Ability to extend the 60 day deadline as requested by PHA Risk-based processing – accounts for extensive review of lender/investor Focuses HUD review on areas where we add value Helps PHA & development team meet LIHTC time frames
FHA/RAD Fast Tracking 5 FHA closings to date; several in processing Centralized processing Contract support for Section 223(f)/RAD underwriting Special centralized team in Chicago for Section 221(d)(4)s Streamlined approval processes One approval committee replaces RAD/FHA loan committees Waivers of PCAs and most market studies for Section 221(d)(4)s
Updated Guidance Relocation Notice Clarifies process for resident relocation in RAD conversions Demystifies program requirements to shorten approval process Closing Documents Clarifying lender rights and responsibilities in event of foreclosure Clarifying HAP contract language with regard to future changes in policy Conversion Guides Written protocols on PBRA and PBV conversion Public Housing close-out guide
Updated Guidance, Continued… Energy Efficiency New guidance on Utility Baselines (requirement of PCAs) – may be provided after closing FAQ document on EPCs forthcoming – will address treatment of EPCs for RAD projects 2014 Rent Levels FY14 Rents just posted on RAD Resource Desk FAQs New FAQs on Resource Desk on key topics - utility allowances, rehab assistance payments, and removing units from PIC.
Latest Management Changes within HUD OAHP Asset Management
For More Information: RAD Notice, application materials, and additional resources can be found at questions to Rad Resource Desk RAD Capital Marketplace
Or, Get In Touch With Me: Jerry R. Anderson (303) (303) Cell
Thank You!