NECAP Ramp-Up Programs Math Grade 4 4 /5 Students Improved 2/5 Improved 2 levels 2/5 Improved 1 level 1/5 No Change Reading Grade 4 8/9 Students Improved 8/9 Improved by 1 level 1/9 Went down 1 level (PP-SBP) Central Elementary School
NECAP Ramp-Up Program Math Grade 4 5/6 Students Improved 1/6 Improved 2 levels 4/6 Improved 1 level 1/6 No Change Reading Grade 4 9/11 Improved 1/11 Improved 2 Levels 8/11 Improved 1 Level 1/11 No Change Math Grade 5 3/3 Students Improved 3/3 Improved 1 Level Reading Grade 5 3 / 4 Students Improved 1/4 Improved 2 level 1 /4 Improved 1 Level 1 /4 No Change Lonsdale Elementary School
NECAP Ramp-Up Program Grade 4 Math 3/4Students Improved 1/4 Improved 2 Levels 2/4 Improved 1 level 1/4 No Change Grade 4 Reading 4/5 Students Improved 4/5 Improved 1 Level 2/5 No Change Grade 5 Math 2/6 Students Improved 2/6 Improved 1 Level 4/6 No Change Grade 5 Reading 5/5 Students Improved 1/6 Improved 2 Levels 4/6 Improved 1 Level 1/6 N/C Northern Elementary School
NECAP Ramp-Up Program Math Grade 4 5/13 improved 5/13 Improved 1 level 8/13 No Change Reading Grade 4 10/13 Improved 9/13 Improved 1 level 1/13 Improved 2 levels 3/13 No Change Math Grade 5 9/11 Improved 9/11 Improved 1 level 2/11 No Change Reading Grade 5 3/11 Improved 3/11 Improved 1 level 7/11 No Change 1/11 Went down 1 level (P-PP) Saylesville Elementary School
NECAP Ramp-Up Program Math 18 Seniors 10/18 Scored 2 3/18 Made enough improvement w/in 1 to meet graduation requirements 5/18 Did not meet the NECAP progress requirements ELA 4/12 Sophomores & will test in October 2014 6/12 Juniors 5/6 Scored 3 1/6 Scored 1 2/12 Seniors 2/2 Scored 3 Lincoln High School 13/18 Students attending the program passed NECAP on the second try
Lincoln Public Schools School Classifications
How our Schools Are Ranked RIDE ranks schools by Total Point Value, or Composite Index Score, to determine classifications: Commended Schools have the highest index scores in the state and no achievement gaps; they are recognized because of either high performance or significant progress. Leading Schools have an index score between 70 and 76. Typical Schools have an index score between 50 and 70. Warning Schools can be identified by any of seven criteria: index score <50; Proficiency of <10 or fewer points; School wide participation <95%; Sub group gap points < 15 points; student growth of <7.5 ( Applicable to high schools only…Improvement plus Graduation of 10 points or fewer; low graduation rate over time). Failure to attain any AMO (Annual Measurable Objective) for three consecutive years. Focus Schools have the lowest point totals in the state (excluding Priority Schools) for Proficiency or Gap-closing, regardless of their index score. Priority Schools have the lowest Composite Index Scores in the state. Schools previously identified as Persistently Lowest Achieving are also Priority Schools.
2013 School Classification Summary 2013 SCHOOL CLASSIFICATION SUMMARY SCHOOL Title I Targets Passed Classification Total Points /100 Points From % PROF /30 SUBGROUP GAPS /30 PROG TO 2017 TARGET /5 % IN DISTINCTION /10 STUDENT GROWTH /25 HS GRADUATION /20 HS SCALED SCORE CHANGE /5 Central Elementary 8/12Typical Lincoln Middle School 10/12Typical Lincoln High School 13/15Leading NA Lonsdale Elementary 12/12Typical Northern Elementary Y 12/12Typical Saylesville Elementary 14/14Typical
Comments Saylesville went from an index score of to an index score of just 4 points away from a leading school and met all of their targets. Lincoln High School is a Leading School. Northern Elementary is 2points away from becoming a leading school Saylesville Elementary, Northern Elementary, and Lonsdale Elementary met all targets. Participation rates district wide are excellent at 99.70%. Lincoln Middle School earned more total points and showed improvement in almost every area scored as compared to last year. Lincoln Middle School Plan
Looking at the Year Ahead Data Use District Wide. PARCC Lincoln Middle School Plan
Lincoln Middle School School Classification 2013 and Lincoln Middle School 10/12Typical Lincoln Middle School 9/14Typical
Lincoln Middle School-NECAP Mathematics
Lincoln Middle School Action Plan-Intensive Support – Additional 135 minutes of mathematics instruction per week for students with low NECAP scores. We will include all students who scored substantially below proficient and many who scored partial proficient. Action Plan-Targeted Support – Additional 75 minutes per week of remediation to improve basic mathematics skills with these same students.
Lincoln Middle School Action Plan-Teacher Support – Professional Development for mathematics teachers on the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practices built into the Common Core State Standards. Emphasis will be placed on standards: Perseverance in Problem Solving and Attend to Precision. – Community of Practice (COP)- Combined with department meetings will provide mathematics teacher with three hours of common planning time per month. – Data Team- Submitted plan to train the teachers on how to identify, view and interpret data. Mathematics teachers will be the first group trained.
Lincoln Middle School