Decatur School District Annual Report to the Public 2014 Jeff Gravette, Superintendent
Standards for Accreditation “Each school board, prior to November 15 of each year, shall hold a public meeting, at a time and place convenient for a majority of the school patrons and employees, to review and discuss it’s annual report detailing progress toward accomplishing it’s district’s program objectives, accreditation standards, and proposals to correct deficiencies.
Decatur Board Of Directors Ike Owens, President Amy Brooks Aaron Owens Kevin Smith Board Secretary – Terri Burden
Accreditation The Annual Accreditation Report indicates Northside Elementary School was fully accredited by the Arkansas Department of Education with citations for two teachers on an Alternative Licensing Plan. Both are now fully licensed Decatur High School was fully accredited with five citations. The citations were due to the teachers being assigned some classes outside of their licensure area. Four have since completed an Alternative Licensing Plan. The four are fully licensed. One teacher who needs to complete the A.L.P. has transferred to D.N.E. Data for this report is gathered in the spring of 2014.
ACTAAP (Benchmark) Exams-Final Year Students are labeled in one of four categories: ◦ Advanced ◦ Proficient ◦ Basic ◦ Below Basic School summary reports are given in terms of the percent of students scoring proficient or advanced for the combined population.
3 rd Grade Math
3 rd Math Compared
4 th Grade Math
4 th Math Compared
5 th Grade Math
5 th Math Compared
6 th Grade Math
6 th Math Compared
7 th Grade Math
7 th Math Compared
8 th Grade Math
8 th Math Compared
3 rd Grade Literacy
3 rd Literacy Compared
4 th Grade Literacy
4 th Literacy Compared
5 th Grade Literacy
5 th Literacy Compared
6 th Grade Literacy
6 th Literacy Compared
7 th Grade Literacy
7 th Literacy Compared
8 th Grade Literacy
8 th Literacy Compared
Algebra Compared
Geometry Compared
Biology Compared
11 th Grade Literacy
11 th Grade Literacy Compared
ACT Performance
ESEA Waiver Status Under the Arkansas ESEA Waiver, schools will be accountable for meeting targets in the following areas: ◦ Performance – Percent Proficient or Advanced ◦ Growth – Improvement ◦ Graduation Rate – The percent of students that graduate in 4 years only.
Schools are Identified as: Achieving, or Needs Improvement All schools are identified as “Achieving” or “Needs Improvement” based on meeting predetermined targets in performance OR growth, AND graduation rate for high schools (must test 95% of students). The above condition must be met for 2 groups of students: ◦ 1 – All Students ◦ 2 – Targeted Achievement Gap Group (TAGG) Limited English Proficient Students with Disabilities Economically Disadvantaged
ESEA Waiver Status Based on Data SchoolESEA Waiver Status Decatur Northside ElementaryNeeds Improving Decatur High SchoolNeeds Improving Decatur DistrictNeeds Improving
ACSIP PLANS Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (ACSIP) – Plan of action for meeting the priorities and goals of the district and schools in accordance with federal and state rules and regulations. The District and school ACSIP plans may be viewed on the district website.
Financial Status and Trend – Continued growth since emerging from fiscal distress in 2010
Enrollment Status and Trend (3qtr ADM count)
Partnership Project – Safe Room A 5,200 square foot safe room / physical activity building is being built at the Northside Elementary campus. The building will be large enough to accommodate a regulation volleyball court. Cost is approximately $1 million with 75% being paid with FEMA money, and the remainder to be paid with Arkansas State Facilities Partnership Project money. The Partnership Project funding was released in the spring of Construction is slated for this school year. Both of these funding sources are reimbursement programs. Therefore, district money (from the building fund) will be used to pay construction costs until reimbursements can be made.
Technology Several additions and upgrades have been made to our network: A new server system (Microsoft) has been installed which is more compatible with new technology devices and applications. New cloud based system used district-wide. Total bandwidth has increased from less than 36/37Mbp/s to 100 Mbp/s at the High School and Elementary. 200 computers or laptops, and 60 iPads are available for student use at the High School. 190 computers or laptops, and 80 iPads are available for student use at the elementary school. New network switches installed improved our speed by increasing access to the server by 10X’s.
Decatur School District Annual Report to the Public 2014 Jeff Gravette, Superintendent