主讲教师:夏夕美. diagram of the Course Works before signing contract contract Fulfill contract Other type of trade 1 3 4 5 2 brief introduction to international.


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Presentation transcript:


diagram of the Course Works before signing contract contract Fulfill contract Other type of trade brief introduction to international trade

Most of the import transactions in our country are under FOB term, on Letter of Credit. *Import License *Trade Negotiation & Conclusion of transport contract *Application for opening the L/C Performance of import contract

*Booking Shipping Space & Covering insurance *Document Examination and Payment *Customs Clearance *Taking Delivery and Inspection *Claim & Settlement of Disputes) Performance of import contract

The first step in an import transaction is to select the commodity you wish to import. And find out whether a import license is needed and can be obtained before you start the negotiation and follow the procedure for grant of import license. 1. Import License

A transaction starts from negotiating the terms of import contract that will determine the rights and obligations of both the importer. (inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance) Generally speaking, the contract must be made in written form. 2.Sign the contract

If L/C will be used for payment, the importer should open the L/C in time in favor of the exporter who would usually arrange production or shipment after receiving this L/C. 3.L/C issuance & amendment The exporter might request for L/C amendments after he has checked the L/C terms. If the request is made according to the contract terms, the importer wants to accept the request, he should apply to the issuing bank for amendments.

The importer is responsible for shipment under certain trade terms such as FOB, he should arrange the transportation and keep the exporter informed of the progress in order to facilitate smooth delivery of the goods. 4. Shipment & insurance If the insurance is to be arranged by the importer, the importer should ask the exporter to advise the shipment in time so that the goods can be covered by insurance without delay.

Document examination is a very important step and this should be done with great care. Either the issuing bank or the importer should scrutinize the documents to ensure that documents are delivered in accordance with L/C terms, Then make payment. 5. Document examination and payment

All goods imported into a country have to pass through the procedure of Customs clearance as they cross the border. The goods are examined, appraised, assessed, valuated and then allowed to be taken out of charge of the Customs for use by the importer. 6. Customs clearance

With the shipping documents, the importer can now take delivery of the goods from the carrier. After that, re-inspection should be carried out to confirm if the goods are up to the standard set in the sales contract. 7. Taking delivery & re-inspection

After the inspection, if problems such as weight shortage, inferior quality or wrong shipment are found, the importer should make claims against the exporter. Claims should be filed within the time limit stipulated in the sales contract. 8. Settlement of disputes If problems such as weight shortage, inferior quality or damage are found and attributed to the exporter, the importer should make claims against the exporter. If the loss or damage is due to the negligence of the carrier, the claim should be made against the carrier. If the loss or damage has been caused by the risks that are covered by insurance, the claim should be made against the underwriter.

In case a claim cannot be settled between the parties involved through negotiation, the dispute should be submitted to mediation or arbitration if that has been agreed upon. Otherwise, a lawsuit might be necessary to settle the dispute. 8. Settlement of disputes

A 进口阶段进口阶段 履行合同履行合同 申请 进口 许可 证 货物装船货物装船 接货报关接货报关 拨交结算拨交结算 商检商检 申请开立 信用证 租船订舱 银行审单付款买汇、赎单 发催装通知办理保险

Contracts for export in our country are mostly signed under CIF term on Letter of Credit. The whole export process generally includes about eight procedures, among which cargo readiness, Letter of Credit, booking space or ship and document and payment are the most important ones. Performance of export contract

* Pre-export work *Trade Negotiation *Preparation of the goods *Applying for Inspection *Implementing payment terms *Urging the customer to establish an L/C *Examining the L/C & Amending the L/C Performance of export contract

四、租船定舱( Chartering a ship and booking space ) 五、投保( Taking out insurance ) 六、报关( Making declaration to customs ) 七、制单结汇( Making out documents for settlement under L/C ) Performance of export contract

*Successful export begins with full research on the markets. *Then with that full research, you will carefully design your strategies with regard to markets and products, where you will have a competitive edge. 1. Pre-export work

Many countries have export controls (foreign policy controls, national security controls etc.), an exporter needs or could obtain the export license. *negotiation skills 1. Pre-export work

In addition, before engaging in an export transaction, an exporter must be aware of the risks he is facing and take necessary actions to mitigate the risks. Such risks include: 1. Pre-export work * Credit risk: the risk that the importer may not pay according to the contract terms ; * Currency risk: the risk of loss due to adverse fluctuation in exchange rate ; * Carriage risk: possible loss of cargo in transit; * Country risk: the political risk of the importing country.

In fact, these risks can be mitigated to a great extent by taking appropriate steps. Alternatively, the export order can be signed in your own currency. 1. Pre-export work * Credit risk against the buyer can be covered by insisting upon an irrevocable letter of credit from a reputable bank ; An appropriate credit insurance policy can also be obtained for this purpose ; With regard to currency risk, risk management product such as a forward contract can be utilized Alternatively, the export order can be signed in your own currency. * Carriage risk can be covered by taking a marine insurance policy. * Lastly, country risks can be covered by certain organizations such export credit agencies or insurance companies.

With successful negotiations, you will receive an export order. you should first acknowledge the export order, and then proceed to examine carefully in respect of items. After confirmation of the export order, you should proceed to enter into a formal export contract with the overseas buyer. 2. Export contract

Pre-shipment finance is given for working capital for purchase of raw-material, processing, packing, transportation, ware-housing, etc. of the goods meant for export. 3. Pre-shipment and post-shipment finance Post-shipment finance is provided for bridging the gap between the shipment of goods and realization of export proceeds, which is done by banks by purchasing or negotiating the export documents.

All exporters want to make sure they will get paid and there are many ways to achieve that purpose. Purchasing export credit insurance is one of them. 4. Export credit insurance

Once you are ready with infrastructure for exporting goods and have obtained necessary finance, you should proceed to procure the goods for export. 5. Preparation of goods To summarize, the goods to be exported must be ready for shipment in time. The quality, packing and marking of goods must strictly follow the stipulations in the sales contract. then prepare the commercial draft & packing list If the goods need to be inspected before shipment, the inspection should be obtained. It should be noted that an inspection certificates should be obtained.

If payment is to be made by L/C. the exporter should ask the importer to open the L/C in time. After receiving the L/C, the exporter must check the L/C against the sales contract. Only when all the terms in the L/C are consistent with the term of sales contract, can the exporter proceed to ship the goods. 6. L/C If there is anything in the L/C that has not been agreed upon by the exporter and importer, the exporters should ask the importer to amend the L/C in order to avoid disputes later, especially in payment.

The covering letter of credit is expected to reach here before MAY, since the stipulated month of shipment is MAY 25. Urge L/C

Considering to prepare for the shipment timely, we are looking forward to your immediate covering letter of credit. Urge L/C

After payment is reasonably assured, exporters should declare the customs by filling in certain customs forms and submitting appropriate document such as commercial invoice, export license, copy of sales contract, inspection certificates, etc. 7. Export declaration and customs clearance

Once the goods are cleared, shipment can be made anytime. Upon completion of the shipment, the exporter should give the importer a shipping advice to enable him to arrange insurance, payment and receipt of the goods. 8. Shipment

Appropriate insurance coverage must be arranged for each shipment. It is the responsibility of either the exporter or the importer, depending on the terms of sale. 9. Insurance

After shipment is made, the exporter should present to the negotiating bank the documents within the number of days after B/L issuance (maximum21) specified by the L/C and before the L/C expires. 10. Documentation and payment ALL documents must be made out in accordance with the L/C terms such as types of documents, number of original and copies, items of the documents, etc.

处理单证不符的办法 (Ways of dealing with discrepancy) (二) 1. 表提 (presentation in writing) 2. 电提 (presentation by cable) 3. 跟单托收 (documentary collection)

信用证条件下制单结汇的方法 (Ways of settlement under L/C) 1. 收妥结汇 (settling exchange after receiving money) 2. 押汇 (negotiation) 3. 定期结汇 (settling exchange at regular time) Making out documents for settlement under L/C

出口货物装出之后,进出口公司即应按信用 证的规定,正确缮制各种单据。在信用证规 定的交单有效期内,递交银行办理议付结汇 手续。我国出口结汇有三种: 1 、收妥结汇:又称收妥付款,是指议付行 收到外贸公司的出口单据后,经审查无误, 将单据寄交国外付款行索取货款,待收到付 款行将货款拨入议付行帐户的贷记通知书时, 即按当日外汇牌价,折成人民币拨给外贸公 司。

2 、押汇:又称买单结汇,是指议付行 在审单无误情况下,按信用证条款买 入受益人的汇票和单据,从票面金额 中扣除从议付日到估计收到票款之日 的利息, 将余款按议付日外汇牌价拆 成人民币,拨给外贸公司。 3 、定期结汇:是议付行根据向国外付 款行索偿所需时间,预先确定一个固 定的结汇期限,到期后主动将票款金 额折成人民币拨交外贸公司。

出口阶段出口阶段 履行合同履行合同 申请 出口 许可 证 租船订舱租船订舱 发运 货物 办理 报关 持全套 货运单 据连同 信用证 向银行 办理议 付 汇集 有关 的单 证 向买 方发 装船 通知 货物 装船 后取 得提 单 海关 检验 放行 催证 审证 改证 检验 证书 向商 检局 报检 备货 / 加工 / 包装 / 刷唛 办理保险保险单 制作有关单据

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