CMCSS & RTI Presented by: Dr. Patti Wilson and Julie Combs
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Objectives: Alleviate RTI anxiety Inform CMCSS staff about district efforts to implement RTI Provide a general overview of what RTI is and how we plan to accomplish it over the next 2 years. Provide resources to staff members that will help with implementation.
Words to Know ROI – Rate of Improvement Gap – The distance between where a student should be performing based on norms and where he/she is actually performing EOW – Every Other Week PM – Progress Monitoring US – Universal Screener Fidelity – Checks to see if intervention is being delivered effectively
History of RTI in CMCSS/TN – District Committee gathered data about RTI for discussion District focus/resources shifted to implementing Common Core Spring CCLC discuss need for statewide RTI framework and developed K-2 guidelines for best instructional practices in reading and math. Fall Guidelines released to districts and presented at TN Lead. State lawmakers passed RTI legislation including changes to LD identification
History Continued TNDOE begins developing RTI manual and implementation guidelines TNDOE/TNBOE agreed to offer waivers to middle and high schools April 2014 CMCSS selects a Universal Screener April – May CMCSS trains elementary schools and pilots to use screener and implement RTI (Elementary schools screened at grade level) August 2014 RTI implemented in Elementary
Why RTI?
The Pyramid 85% of Students 10% of Students 5% of Students
CMCSS RTI Work Created School-based RTI teams Met periodically to get input from schools Researched how other districts implemented RTI Created a District RTI message / wikipage Created an RTI intervention database Selected a Universal Screener / Progress Monitor Provided guidelines about scheduling to schools Provided training for school based teams. Provided PLCs for Elementary and Pilot schools
Universal Screener Path Driver from EPS Skills based assessment Easy to administer (computer based) Provides progress monitoring
What Screening Tells Us Which students are performing below grade level. If there are instructional problems in Tier I If progress is being made from beginning to end of a school year.
What Screening Does Not Tell Us Exact skill deficit area Lexiles or Quintiles T-CAP/Gateway readiness Future test performance
Purpose of Screening To quickly check overall academic progress in Reading and Math and identify STUDENTS who may need extra attention due to a possible skill deficit based on screening score. Basically, it tells us which students have a temperature and need more tests to determine what is causing the fever.
Skills vs. Standards Skills Phonemic Awareness Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Number Sense Multiplication Geometry Standards Identify Main Idea Make inferences Summarize a passage Identify main character Find the common denominator Find area of a figure
Think about it…
When does this happen? Screening with Path Driver replaces Learning Links and DIBELS. Screening occurs at the beginning, middle, and end of year. Staff Development days have been strategically scheduled to allow time for RTI teams to meet and make placement decisions.
What Does it Look Like?
What Does it Look Like? Oral Reading Fluency (optional) Maze Comprehension
What do Reports Look like?
What do Reports Look like?
What do Reports Look like?
After Screening RTI data team examines data Look for trends Rule out false negatives or positives Match intervention numbers to building capacity Assign students to intervention
Intervention Academy of Reading and Math Intervention database Other proven interventions Determined at the school level based on available resources.
Academy of Reading/Math Pre-test for skill and instructional level Prescribes program of intervention Delivered by the computer Stops students if they are not making progress and requires teacher time.
What does Academy of Reading/Math Look Like
Intervention Database Collection of interventions Searchable by grade level, subject and skill Requires Log-in Created to save teachers and data teams time when looking for specific skill interventions. Not the only interventions that can be used, just a collection we will continue to add to. Located on the cmcssrti wiki page.
Intervention Database Search by Math, Reading, Writing Choose a skill Select the grade level range Find Results Behavior interventions will be added eventually.
Intervention Delivery Tier II 1:5 (Elementary) 1:6 (Middle, High) Tier III 1:3 (Elementary) 1:6 (Middle, High) In addition to core instruction (not a pull-out) Delivered by highly qualified staff Progress Monitored weekly or every other week.
Tier Movement No movement unless something has been changed about the intervention. Ex. Time of day, type of intervention, teacher Intervention must be given time to work. Ex. A minimum of 8-10 data points are required prior to movement. Intervention effectiveness must be monitored through fidelity checks at each level.
Ripple Effects of RTI Improvement of Tier I instruction Teachers will be more informed about students across grade level, not just in their class. Teachers will have better understanding of how to intervene with students. Schools will have more data to support educational decisions, like identification of students who have learning disabilities or need a 504 plan.
Improvements Old Model Identification of students with learning disabilities was reactive. Student deficits grew before intervention occurred. Teachers struggled on their own with students who were not succeeding. Students missed core instruction while getting intervention help. Data will already exist to support identification of student with learning disabilities. Intervention occurs early so gaps don’t grow. Time in schedule allows for teams to make intervention decisions. Time in schedule allows for core instruction and intervention. New Model
CMCSS Next Steps… Continue to provide PLC’s to further support RTI implementation Continue to update intervention database Continue to update the RTI wiki with current information including FAQ Continue to investigate high school implementation Continue to monitor State DOE updates and adjust policy/procedures as required
Summary RTI is a State-wide general education mandate 3-5 years (give yourself/school time to figure this out) Expect the triangle to be upside down for a while Match intervention to building capacity for intervention Most highly skilled teachers should be delivering intervention to most deficient students Intervention is in addition to core instruction
Learn More about RTI