Willow Elementary Title I Presented during the Open House/PTA Picnic event September 4 th, 2014
What is Title I? Federal assistance program that provides funding to high-poverty schools Schools qualify based on the percentage of students who receive free or reduced lunch Funds are used to support all students
How Funds are Used at Willow Extra Resources and Student Services Technology Books Title I Teacher Small group instruction Extra Programing Family Nights Reading Rewards Program Goal of 80% participation rate Teacher Trainings Technology Classroom Curriculum
Free Books, Chili Cook-Off/ Game Night, Craft Night, Science Night, Alaska Culture Night
Alaska School Performance Index (ASPI) Elementary School Indicator Weightings 40% School Progress 35% Academic Achievement 25% Attendance Willow has a score of 91: a 4 out of 5 star school SBA proficiency scores: Reading: 88% proficient Writing-88% proficient Math-86% proficient Growth was observed in 100% of students in the categories of: all students, low income students, and students with disabilities.
School Assessments Program assessments from district adopted math and reading programs (K-6) Developmental Profile assessment for all Kindergarten students AIMS Web fluency and comprehension testing (K-6) Children’s Progress Academic Assessment (CPAA) evaluation (K-1) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments in Reading, Language Arts, and Math (K-6) Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) in the areas of Mathematics, Writing, and Reading (3-6) and Standards Based Assessments (SBA) Science (4)
Alaska’s Steps Toward Educational Progress and Partnership (STEPP) Replaces yearly school action plan Accessible by staff, parents, community Continuous improvement plan Updated throughout the school year Login in information is provided on the take home sheet and will be in the next school newsletter
Parent Involvement Parent Involvement Policy & Parent Compact Working together to share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement Parents we need your help! Feedback on PIP & Parent Compact STEPP Team Family nights Look for meeting notices in the newsletter
Parent Rights You can and should: Request meetings to make suggestions to school staff as needed Participate in decisions regarding your child and their education Request teacher qualifications Review the STEPP plan monthly online
Final Thoughts Please make sure you signed in Is this your first time attending a Title I/Family Night event? Please fill out evaluations at each family night