Barlow-Vincent Elementary School
Grades K-8 with enrollment of 715 students 13% of students with disabilities 35% free and reduced lunch rate Met 13 out of 15 indicators on local report card Did not make AYP with SWD last year Green value-added for three consecutive years Fewer than 30 districts in state spend less per pupil than Warren Local Schools (reduced 1/3 of staff in 8 years)
Focus on curriculum and instructional strategies Collaboration – teachers as learners Strong leadership amongst staff
High-Yield Strategies ◦ Setting objectives/providing feedback ◦ Identifying similarities and differences ◦ Non-linguistic representations ◦ Share through TBT and building leadership highlights Formative instructional practices ◦ Laid foundation with online courses ◦ Book study on grading practices ◦ Differentiated support based on teacher need ◦ Share through TBT and building leadership highlights ◦ Grading practices committee
Unpacking the common core and revised standards using Marzano technique Examining lessons and student work to determine the level of rigor
“I don’t close my door anymore. It’s not about competition.” Data, data, data – every kid needs a plan Walk-to-intervention model Inclusion model Using teacher-based teams to collaborate not “gab” borate!
Accountability for results (monitoring the plan) Fostering teamwork Self-improvement is non- negotiable – using our evaluations and walkthroughs
Support and insist -Monitor the plan -Hold accountable -Celebrate and recognize -Walk the walk
Stephanie Starcher Anne Boley Sandy Vincent