Jane Goodalls 10 Ways to Help Save Wildlife Word Ladder Fifth Grade Phonics Unit 2 Week 4.


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Presentation transcript:

Jane Goodalls 10 Ways to Help Save Wildlife Word Ladder Fifth Grade Phonics Unit 2 Week 4

On the bottom rung of your word ladder, write the word: single

Use the final stable syllable from single along with three beginning letters to make a word for a short-legged hound dog. single

You should have spelled… beagle

Use the green letters from beagle along with s, c, r, m, and b to make a word that means to bring into a random order. beagle

You should have spelled… scramble

Use the green letters from scramble along with the letters e, x, and p to make a word for an item of information typical of a class or group. scramble

You should have spelled… example

Use the green letters from example and the letter v to make a word that means to go away. example

You should have spelled… leave

Make a word that means change location with the green letters from leave and the tr blend. leave

You should have spelled… travel

Use the green letters from travel and the letter i to make a word for the opposite of good. travel

You should have spelled… evil

Use the letters from evil to make a word for a head covering. evil

You should have spelled… veil

Use the green letters from veil and the letter t to make a short word for an animal doctor. veil

You should have spelled… vet

Add to the letters in vet to make a word for a person who served in the armed forces. vet

You should have spelled… veteran

Use the green letters from veteran to make a word for the period before something. veteran

You should have spelled… eve

Use the green letters from eve and two letter ls to make a word for having a surface without slope. eve

You should have spelled… level

You just went from single to level in twelve words.