Scaling Project Management Processes for Small Projects: A Case Study Presented by: Bill McDonald Manager, Focused Business Solutions Co-written by: Casey Worthington, P.M.P. GE Capital IT Solutions Canada
Enbridge Consumers Gas n Enbridge Consumers Gas (ECG) is Canada’s largest natural gas distribution utility, serving 1.4 million residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation service customers n Employs over 3500 Canadians
Enbridge Consumers Gas
The ECG Computing Environment n 3500 NT 4.0 workstations n 160 servers operating on Netware 4.x, NT 4.0, and HP Unix n Centrally controlled LAN/WAN client server architecture n 300 I.S. staff positions (full time and contractors)
Business Opportunity n Growth in demand for smaller, highly specific applications required to meet immediate business needs n Demand principally for Inter/Intranet, MS Access, and Visual Basic applications n Opportunity for I.S. to achieve “quick wins” in the client community
Focused Business Solutions n Focused Business Solutions (FBS) was formed in April ‘98 to address this growing niche n Consolidated two existing groups: –End-user oriented development –Internet / Intranet development n Established under the I.S. PMO, specializing in “quick turnaround” application development projects across ECG n FBS is also responsible for on-going support of the applications it has developed
“Typical” FBS Project Portfolio n One analyst, one to three month duration n One analyst, multiple projects n Projects independent from each other n Development tools include: –MS Access, Visual Basic –Hahtsite (I-Net) –Web Page tools n High degree of client involvement
Project Management Challenge n How much PM is enough to increase the probability that: –the scope is clearly established –the product is delivered on time, on budget –the quality of product (and benefits) is achieved –the staff resources are optimized –FBS gets repeat business and referrals n But not so much as to cause: –longer overall delivery cycle –added cost without added value –customer alienation
FBS Project Management Principles n Reduce PM process to core fundamentals, and add to process only as warranted and necessary
Core Project Management Execution &Control Close-Out Initiation & Definition Planning Project Charter Schedule WBS Status Updates Change Mgt. Issues Log Client Sign-off Post Project Review Product Specif’ns Ongoing Communications
FBS Project Management Principles n Reduce PM process to core fundamentals, and add to process only as warranted and necessary n Adapt the existing methodology of the ECG PMO which is geared for larger projects
Adapt Methodology n Project Charter –Same structure, simplified –THE CRITICAL COMPONENT –Change Control starts after the Project Charter is signed
Adapt Methodology n Planning –Repeatable processes (“canned templates”) –Deliverable based schedule –Gantt chart resource assignments start and end dates dependencies milestones n Product Specifications –application screens, reports, functions –interfaces to other applications –geographic diversity of users
Adapt Methodology n Execution and Control –Close customer communications ( , telephone, face to face) –Regularly scheduled team meetings –Meeting minutes with task, owner, and timeline –Simplified change control form & process –Issues log
Adapt Methodology n Close-out –Project sign-off form –Post Implementation Review
Adapt Methodology n Sign-off Milestones –Project Charter –Change Control –Schedule –Close-out n Project Management provides control of projects and the FBS business
FBS Project Management Principles n Reduce PM process to core fundamentals, and add to process only as warranted and necessary n Adapt the existing methodology of the ECG PMO which is geared for larger n Project Management is not just for Project Managers –The PM function split between Functional Manager and Analysts
PM - Traditional Approach Project Manager Organizational Environment Analyst
PM - FBS Approach FBS Manager Organizational Environment Analyst PM Function
Roles and Responsibilities
FBS Project Management Principles n Reduce PM process to core fundamentals, and add to process only as warranted and necessary n Adapt the existing methodology of the ECG PMO which is geared for larger n Project Management is not just for Project Managers n Involve the whole team
Involve the Whole Team n PM training for all FBS n Use team meetings to: –review PM deliverables –discuss lessons learned (good and bad) n Include “soft skills” n Make it personal –incorporate PM skills into objectives and performance measurement
FBS Project Management Principles n Reduce PM process to core fundamentals, and add to process only as warranted and necessary n Adapt the existing methodology of the ECG PMO which is geared for larger n Project Management is not just for Project Managers n Involve the whole team n Gatekeeping is essential
FBS Gatekeeping n Responsibility of FBS Manager n Involves: –Understanding of Business Drivers –Accepting only “good business” –Saying “no” to some projects
“FBS” Before Project Management n Some solid contributions within client community in: –workgroup specific applications –I-Net web pages n However, problems included: –“never ending projects” due varying client expectations –mixed results in delivered solutions across I.S. (cost and quality) –skepticism in ability to address more complex applications
First Year Results n Since last April –18 new applications and major enhancements 10 delivered within original target date 4 delivered within Change Control date –all applications met original or revised specifications n Client feedback on results highly positive n PM role and function seen as critical success n Established viability (and growth) of FBS
Success Factors n Commit to PM principles n Empowerment and accountability of Analysts n Gatekeeping and Gantt charts allow for supply / demand balancing n Support from I.S. PMO, FBS, customers n Sharing of lessons learned (post implementation reviews - continuous improvement) n Defined and recognized dual roles (functional manager / project manager; project manager / analyst)
Areas for Improvement n Stronger discipline in initial scope definition and management throughout the project n Demonstrating and selling virtues of PM to customer base n Analyst culture and PM process not an easy fit n Management of support workload
What’s Next? n Higher attention to gatekeeping n Improved compliance in following processes n Focus on measurements n Continuous improvement of PM process in “quick turnaround” applications n Carry on
Conclusion - FBS Secrets n Honour PM principles and be creative in their application n Adapt PM processes and scale to the project n Split the PM function across manager and analysts